LLYN BRENIG 2 July 2024 - FEBRUARY 2025

Continued from June 2024

LINK to Opening Page with background and history of this nest and relevant links

This season so far   

31 March Blue LJ2 returns

1 April Blue 372 briefly visits, 6 April Blue 372 returns and stays

Sadly, Blue LM6 has not returned

Eggs laid

#1 April 23 - 17.40, #2 April 26 - 19.28, #3 April 29 - 15.46


June 2 - 00.52, June 4 - 09.48?  It is not known for certain which eggs these are. My thoughts are these are eggs 2 and 3 and egg number 1 did not hatch. (Left unattended on a frosty night)

However, the consensus among the volunteers is that it is eggs 1 & 2 which have hatched. Llyn Benig is around 1000 feet above sea level so the ambient temperature is around 2 degrees Celsius lower than at sea level which might account for longer hatching times. It has certainly been a cold hatching period. (AG)

Chicks ringed 08/07/24 - (Second hatched) 8B8 (M) 1500g 265mm - (First hatched) 8B9 (F) 1620g 291mm

Chicks named 18/07/24      8B8 EMRYS                -                8B9 BETHAN 

Chicks fledged             28/07/24  (54 days old)     -    27/07/24  (55days old)


8B8 Emrys - 03/09/24 (92days old) / 372 03/09/24 (3years old)

8B9 Bethan 06/09/24 (96 days old) / LJ2 last seen on the evening of 06/09/24 so probably left 07/09/24 (6 years old)


All captures and videos ©️NWWT, Welsh Water, Brenig Osprey Project

RESUMÉ for JUNE 2024

This has been a month of fast change. Two chicks were born at the beginning of the month. On chick 1’s day of hatching, someone was flying a drone in the area and it spooked 372. She alarm called and quickly left the nest with the little chick being thrown to the nest edge as she left. Somehow that wee one had the instinct and strength to move back to the nest cup and safety again.  372 has proven to be a great first time mother. She has gently fed the chicks, given them warmth and shelter and LJ2 has provided well with a variety of daily  fish. There have been the usual intruders which has distracted LJ2 at times from bringing in fish but he would always bring some later on. The chicks are now 4 weeks old and developing very well. There is a hierarchy between the chicks with #1 being dominant over #2, mostly at feeding times. #2 knows to allow #1 to feed first then it’ll get its turn. Gelert KA9(22) son of LJ2 and LM6, was photographed at Dyfi 3 weeks after his visit here on 25 May.

  • 19.47 Looks like LJ2 has had a bath.

    Fixing some feathers.

    Drying off.

    Get that itchy bit

    and the other side

    then a body shake

    a tail shake

    and he’s good to go.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 7 September 

    Good morning. Today Bethan is 97 days old and Emrys 95 and last night was the first night without either of them being here since they were born. I hope they both found somewhere safe to rest overnight, as well as 372 and all of our migrating ospreys. Two hearts

    So far this morning I haven’t seen LJ2. The fish remains he left on the nest were taken by a single Corvid this morning.


    07.42 He flew off with the first piece then ate the rest on the nest.

    07.43 A large bird was incoming

    the Corvid darted and a herring gull landed.

    It was just too late, all was gone. It picked something up but just got a stick.

    07.48 It was on the nest for a few minutes. A wee look down, just like Bethan and Emrys used to do.

    07.49 The gull was so large that its head was mostly cut out of the frame. It had a big yawn.

    Then left in a downwards fashion.

    09.12 The tower perch has been unused. It’s been a misty morning.

    09.14 The area was scouted, looking for LJ2.

    09.48 another quick look and again at 10.27. It looks so quiet and empty.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • Aw GLIDER, as you say just all so quiet and empty once they've gone but what a fabulous nest this has been. 

    It has been wonderful watching Bethan and Emrys develop which I may add has all been brought to us with your fantastic reporting.

    It's sad when they go, but go they must and these juveniles have had the best possible start to see them undertake their first migration.

    Thank you GLIDER for all your hard work and I wish the Llyn Brenig family a safe journey and return.

  • Thank you Karen. It’s been a privilege to watch and report on this nest. Two hearts
    Yes, I’m sad to see them go but also happy that after dear LM6 failed to return, LJ2 and 372  paired and had a very successful season. Bethan and Emrys left best equipped to find their way in the world and as you say, hopefully we’ll see them all return in the future. 

  • From scroll back, all that I could see for the rest of the day was

    14.02 lots of boats

    14.59 tree posts

    15.47 some Corvid visits



    but no ospreys.

    I think LJ2 is probably away as his brood hatched later this year, left later and so he’ll just be wanting to get on his way.

    We’ll see what the next day or 2  brings.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 8 September 

    Good afternoon. That’s Brenig confirmed on FB that LJ2 has left on his migration. He deserves his holiday.Blush  Two hearts

  • So that’s our season ended and all our birds are on their way. 
    A year of remembering Blue LM6 and welcoming Blue 372.

    We also welcomed 2 wonderful young ospreys into the world, Bethan/8B9 (F) and Emrys/8B8.(M)

    When 372 first arrived, Blue 416 with whom she’d linked up with last year, tried to chase her off this nest to return to him. 

    There was more drama and joy to follow. I’ll never forget the epic battle between 372 and intruding female 432 from Kielder whilst there were 3 eggs on the nest, the last only laid 10 days previous. We also had Bethan flicked to the edge of the nest as a 12 hours old chick when 372 was frightened off by a drone. Bethan showed her strong character that day and made her way back to the nest cup.

    372 jumped on LJ2’s back after he’d jumped on hers to mate.

    There was 372’s reaction when she laid her first egg and again when she saw her first chick had hatched!

    LJ2 brought in probably the largest fish we have seen delivered!

    LJ2 doing his “air dance” as he’d flipped too far over when trying to scrape the nest cup!

    372 fished when she wanted as she’s a “ modern girl” as Brenig put it! 

    We had LJ2’s son, Bethan and Emrys’ half brother visit, KA9/Gelert and KA5/Roli also returned to Wales again this year.

    So many memories and more. Let’s hope all of these birds have a safe journey to their place of rest and recuperation and a speedy return to us next year and the coming years after. 

    I’ve updated the opening page with the final dates/events. HERE

  • very many thanks for that wonderful summary Glider - which nest did Blue 416  have at the time Glider? my  memory is a  bit fuzzy now and  if you know I'd like to remember. Thank you

  • You’re welcome Cirrus. Blush Blue 416 seemingly had met up with 372 last year when she returned for the first time as a 2 year old. They spent the summer together and found a nest on private ground in North Wales. (thanks for the info Richard)

     According to the UK Ospreys site, 416 was born in The Lake District 2020 so he’s quite far away from his natal area. 

  • More thanks Glider for reporting events on this nest too, so good to follow Bethan and Emrys on their journey to fledging and migrating ... hope to see return of 372 and LJ2 next season Blush


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr