Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 9 June 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

I am the Spider Queen! I suddenly have a bunch of spiders in my house, and some of them are species I've never seen before. One type have bright orange-red bodies and 4-inch legs! And they have an odd, powerful, sweet odor! I have no idea why this is a spider summer. Maybe the relentless rain, which is predicted to begin again at 10 pm. 

Maybe I'll send this torrential rain to AQ.

Sending love and hugs to all, plus strength to all of you facing adversity.

  • Lindy,  Nice to see you rambling (if that is how you describe your chatty news). Always a good idea to put the kettle on.

    I love the ghost description. How true!  I think some makes have an opening in the corner so you can easily fit the corners, but I haven't managed to find one yet. 

    Oh dear Rusty, having to take the scenic route home, although I don't expect you saw much of it. Glad you got home eventually.

    My OH has now progressed to crutches. The carers last visit will be tomorrow. I think it will make life easier, as we are never sure what time they will arrive, and who it will be. I don't want to sound ungrateful, but it is confusing for the carers and for us. OH still gets very tired, but I expect this will improve with time.  None of us are getting any younger!

  • STARTING NEW THREAD NOW (a little early, sorry)