Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 9 June 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

I am the Spider Queen! I suddenly have a bunch of spiders in my house, and some of them are species I've never seen before. One type have bright orange-red bodies and 4-inch legs! And they have an odd, powerful, sweet odor! I have no idea why this is a spider summer. Maybe the relentless rain, which is predicted to begin again at 10 pm. 

Maybe I'll send this torrential rain to AQ.

Sending love and hugs to all, plus strength to all of you facing adversity.

  • Snap Dibnlib - I want to know as well!

  • Me again!  Good to see some people reappearing on the thread.

    LINDA – good to see you managed a trip to town and I hope the tiredness did not last long.  I laughed at the Grammar poster and the Red books!

    ANNETTE – pleased to see you were on your way home and the business in AZ completed!  Hope you can get some good rest now.

    RUSTY – glad it went so well – but how quickly those three weeks have gone by!  I hope you had a good flight home, and no airport delays.  I love the scenery (though might get a bit tired of it if I was there) and the Diver too.


    Lunch out yesterday and shopping were successful.  We had to buy some emergency bird food as the RSPB dispatch was muddled and they were all sitting in sad little rows on our back fence for two days watching the ones who would eat nyger or suet balls which were all we had left!  All happy today.

    J went to the job centre this morning.  After lunch EE accompanied him to his doctor appt.  Doc was the lovely one who had been here to see me a few months ago – like a real old-fashioned GP – he recognised EE.  He could feel the swelling and suspects an infection.  He has given J antibiotics for a week but wants to see him next week, and if he is still puzzled by then may refer to his Thyroid specialist.  Last time she saw J she said he might only have to have one more annual check up (follow up to his thyroidectomy)!  So he is justifiably feeling miserable.

  • Home.  So cool and moist here.  :-)

    Will read all tomorrow.

  • I'm glad our travellers, RUSTY, ANNETTE & LINDA, are safely home.

    Thank you KATE, PAT, ANNETTE, DIBNLIB, HEATHER, LINDA, ROSY & OG for your comments, thoughts, prayers, hugs. S-i-l left in April and I was probably the first shoulder Dau cried on (we are very close). I delayed mentioning as I hoped he would come to his senses & return. Dau is busy studying in her spare(?) time to get appropriate qualifications as a school assistant, work that fits the Trio's school hours. My comment – any mother would be fully qualified!

  • Well, the day got away from me - and now I'm about to topple into bed.  Will catch up tomorrow.  Take care all.

  • I’m home! Quite a journey too! Put it this way. Instead of a nice 2 hour 30 minute flight from Helsinki to Manchester. I ended up split up from my group, going via Paris and not getting home til 1.30 am instead of 6.30! Our flight was cancelled and we all got rerouted on different flights all over Europe! Got lots to do as you can imagine but will make time to reply to all the news soon.

  • That is a shame Rusty but glad you are home safe and sound.

  • Goodness  Rusty,  that sounds quite a trudge around Europe - as dibnlib says, glad you are home, now. Looking forward to hearing about your trip.

    Very mixed weather here today- sunny & bright alternating with heavy showers. EDIT: I was writing the above when the heavens opened and we had HAIL!   Really hard and heavy!!

    I heard about the bad e-coli outbreak but I didn't have that last week, by the way, as mine only lasted for just over 24 hours. Quite serious for some.

    Lovely to see our Princess of Wales back in the public eye today at the Trooping of the Colour. The King looks as if he's been ill  alright - I hope he isn't overdoing it as I read that he is a bit of a workaholic. 

    Sorry, maybe I'm rambling. I'll go and put the kettle on!!