Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 9 June 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

I am the Spider Queen! I suddenly have a bunch of spiders in my house, and some of them are species I've never seen before. One type have bright orange-red bodies and 4-inch legs! And they have an odd, powerful, sweet odor! I have no idea why this is a spider summer. Maybe the relentless rain, which is predicted to begin again at 10 pm. 

Maybe I'll send this torrential rain to AQ.

Sending love and hugs to all, plus strength to all of you facing adversity.

  • Some folks posted on Saturday, so check back to last week's thread so you don’t miss their news.

  • Hey Diane:  Glad you're back online.   Can't imagine getting close enough to a spider to detect a smell.  Have you Googled them for moe info?   Yes indeed.  I think (hope) this will be my last trip to AZ. I'm leaving about 7 in the morning and should get there around 4-4:30.   It's going to be seriously weird to have the house empty with no kds, horses, goat, chickens, dog.   I'm not looking forward to it, even though I'll be staying at the hotel down the road.  Hoping I'll be able to head back Wednesday lunchtime but it may be Thursday.  Granddaughter and Ms. D will be there next weekend for a close friend's birthday before Ms D heads to Wisconsin to spend some time with her Dad and his family.  Granddaughter is accompanying her but will be back in a couple of days; then she'll go back to Wisconsin in July for a few days before they fly back.  I'll be glad when they are back and the AZ house is sold and there'll be no more to-ing and fro-ing.

    Everyone else:  I've read all the news and will likely have more time to respond once I'm in AZ.  Meanwhile, take care all!

  • Thank you for starting the week DIANE.  Spiders do not usually bother me but not sure I would be happy with yours.....shudder.

  • Thank you DIANE - 

    I don't like spiders at all, even small ones !

    OG - I am aware that J suffers from chronic anxiety among other things. He must have panicked when his gum started bleeding. Not nice ; I hope he is feeling better. Yes my son in law is back working in the North Sea. He got fed up with the long journey to Australia.

    ANNETTE - You will be very happy when the house is sold and no more trips to and from Arizona !

    LINDY - I hope that your OH will get a diagnosis soon. It's taking a toll on both of you :-( 

    DIBNLIB - that's a lot of scans - hope your OH will be OK.

    All quiet here.Regards to everyone !

  • More poppies came out as we left home on Friday. I expect to miss one or two while we are here!

    Annette: Safe journey to AZ and I'm another who is relieved to hear that its the last time you may have to make such a long journey. I hope all goes well. 

    Heather & Diane: I don't like spiders although I don't mind other insects. I think it's because my dear mother shrieked every time she found one! Fun for you to find some new ones, Diane.

  • Dibnlib: I didn't find time to say that we watched a whole lot of the D Day Commemorations on both days. Very well done and very moving.

    I was particularly proud of our military participation and of our Royal Family's part. (Princess Anne still manages to be a  National Treasure.....). It was also moving as it was pointed out that for all of the veterans, it would be the last time as they are now so very old. "We Shall Remember Them"....

    Out of the blue, I received a message from an old friend saying that she and a friend were this week in Normandy - she then wrote again saying that they had been at the main event in the new memorial. They saw The King place his wreath & heard all the wonderful tributes and singing. Afterwards, The King & Camilla passed by my friend only a few feet away but she said "He didn't wave back to me!!" LOL!!

  • Hi!

    DIANE – thanks for our new thread etc.  I don’t think I would like a spider that colour and size, although I don’t have a problem with our normal ones.

    ANNETTE – good luck tying up the loose ends at the AZ place – and safe journeys too.  Glad you are staying in comfort in a hotel.

    HEATHER – J is making the gum last – I told him mouth problems clear up quickly, but that made no difference so I have now told him he must be brushing too vigorously!  He went to church this morning and the people who usually give him a lift home were not there, so he had to walk back – and we saw him coming up the road without his walking stick!  (We give him a lift down at the beginning as it is on the way to our church, but we can’t synchronise the coffee time after).

    LINDA – lovely, assorted poppies this year.

    I didn’t go to church today – it rained just before we were due to go, and it was only a short service followed by the AGM – I hate arriving wet, and I knew the heating would not be on, so it would be very cold.  E-E said it was a very straightforward meeting – no surprises.  I did accompany him in the garden this afternoon for a short time tidying things.

  • Arrived safely after an easy drive; not much traffic (compared to previous trips).  Would be nice if the trip home is as smooth..