Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 May 2024


I haven't been outdoors this week, so I don't have any wildlife/nature stories to impart. I'll just wish you all the best possible week!

The new moon is Tuesday night in the UK/US.

Love and hugs to all!

  • Just love the bananas, thank you Lindy.

  • Not been on, as busy here: my OH is not too well & has managed to see a Doctor, who has arranged for some tests. We shall have to wait for the appointments to come through. Meanwhile he is insisting on going to Wales for a long weekend as planned. So I've been packing & doing laundry as usual. 

    Glad everyone liked the bananas! :-)

  • Bananas were a riot Lindybird.  Hope your OH gets in for test sooner  than later.  Enjoy Wales; hope the weather is kind.

    Diane:  I was wondering how you were doing with all those storms/tornados.  THe Midwest is having a terrible time of it.

    My plan to do a room--by-room cleaning with a day off inbetween fell through about a week ago, but resumed again today with a deep clean of the living room/dining area/kitchen.  I rolled up two rugs and put them in the spare room, which made everything so much easier to clean and the room looks so much better.  OH is not impressed; he can never have too many rugs but as he said "I'm not the one cleaning it" so it's staying with just the one rug under the coffee table for now....

    Take care all....

  • Sorry to hear your OH is poorly LINDY and hope that you both enjoy Wales

  • Lindy - really sorry to hear that your OH isn’t too good. Hope the test appointment comes through soon. A little trip to the caravan in this nice weather might be just the thing. Hope you can both rest and relax. 

  • Just thought I'd post a couple of pictures of the Azalea in the garden.  1st one correct distance from conservatory, 2nd one a closeup.

  •  I'd taken the dimensions away on the first one but this is a better closeup with the dimensions as stated when inserting.

  • Are we catching up?  Very slowly and without too many extras landing on us!  Had our Wednesday out this week - garden centre and butcher/deli near Carlisle. J had dental hygeine appt today while we were busy indoors and outside - I say "we" but of course it's mostly E-E with "advice " from me!  It has been helpful to have mowing couple twice a month - and they are also going to scarify for us.  We have bought some plants for around the deck etc, and moved the geranium (zonal pelargoniums) pots for a bit of colour at the front.  Radishes which were up, together with early lettuce, have now been joined by carrot seedlings in the other cold frame - some progress!

    LINDA - have a good stay in Wales again - I hope OH will be well enough to do some of the driving, and will soon get dates for his hospital tests.

    Hairdresser tomorrow morning, then an extra lunch out in the other direction on the way to Morrisons.  J has received his disability bus pass now and is going to Caledonia Park for his own lunch.

    I have been helping a person in Wales looking for more information about her ancestor who was the founding pastor of our congregation in 1794!  Even managed to copy a photo she was hoping for. .Enquiry came as a surprise - she can't remember where she got my details!

    I have been feeling reasonably well, although still tired much of the time.

  • Weather has been fine and sunny. OH sits in sun on back verandah each morn. I had coffee with my (former?) travel group. A lovely time comparing overseas travel stories with another lady I hardly knew. I snatched some time to grab library books and came home after 2½ hours to a clingy OH. New Lawn Man did not turn up yesterday.

  • Good grief.  Where is everybody?   Look like those in the northern climes may be able to see the aurora borealis over the weekend thanks to a big solar storm.