Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 April 2024


The moon turns full on Tuesday night in the UK and US.

I hope everyone has a good week. 

LINDY, I know what you mean about the changeable weather. It was 80 degrees here this past week, but today everyone with a garden was scurrying to cover the plants because we have a hard frost coming tonight.

It's a shame because we are in the middle of our wild mushroom season, and people have been foraging everywhere. The wild morels are selling for $30 to $75 per pound, depending on the size and quality!

Love and hugs to all!

  • LINDA - Glad you got back safely last week – albeit so tired!  Good that you caught up on laundry, allotment and garden with the right weather for all of it. Thanks for explaining the UFOs in that lovely view from your window.!

    DIANE – thanks for our new week.  So sorry to read about the pneumonia!  Do look after yourself – and I would like to think you will get a check-up, given your father’s history, but probably know you too well to think you will!

    AQ – glad you snuck another photographic history trip.  A shame about the muttering creepy person!

    ANNETTE – sorry the museum was not quite right for Ms D - they grow up so fast!

    We went to church on Sunday and even stayed for coffee, then I got myself involved in various tasks re the next magazine, so didn’t get onto this thread.  Spent a lot of the morning today trying to reschedule various diary dates this week to accommodate the chair repair which is allegedly happening tomorrow.  This included changing a shopping trip which therefore impinged on others in the next few weeks.  Cleaners came this afternoon and informed us they can’t come next Monday or the week after, which is bank holiday – therefore more diary adjustments.  They will come in between – on the Thursday next week.

    One good outcome is that we had nothing prepared for tomorrow lunch, so decided the three of us will go out for a garden centre lunch, so long as chair man actually materialises in the morning.

  • OG - that all sounds rather complicated. No wonder you need to do a lot of organising. I think the main thing is to hope that all goes well and on time with the chair tomorrow.

    In addition to my hay fever, I now have cystitis!!! Fortunately, an e consult (ie sending in a form with all symptoms and answering lots of questions)  this morning produced rapid results from the doctor and I now have antibiotics. I didn’t actually see anyone of course!!! Also, having had this infection all weekend, it now seems to be getting better on its own (fingers crossed) I have to say I wasn’t feeling wonderful. I am not going out with the Flora and fauna group tomorrow. I feel too tired. 

  • Diane - So sorry to hear about your pneumonia.  Hope you are on the mend.

    Rusty - And sorry to hear about your hay fever and cystitis.  Neither is pleasant!  Hope the antibiotics clear everything quickly.  Not like you to miss an outing!

    I've been gallopping around as usual, although I have been reading all the posts.  In spite of all the stuff I'm doing, there's been nothing really interesting to share!  Just more of the same ... But I can share that our bluebells and various sorts of blossom are all looking wonderful.  If only we could have a bit of sunshine to make them look even better.  Yesterday I watched a fox sitting under a flowering cherry gazing upwards to a magpie bouncing around in the tree and showering the fox with falling blossom!  Oh the wonders of nature in the spring ...

  • Exactly Pat. Nature is wonderful and I have sun to go with it this morning. Still feeling a bit rough but the view of my garden and lovely tulips cheered me up. 

    PS. Should have removed the clothes prop first (lol)

  • Chair Man is here – arrived at 8:05am!  Seems to have the correct parts this time – and a very pleasant person.  Window Cleaner has just arrived too – 23rd is his usual date for us.  J has walked into town to check with dental receptionists on the apparent contradictions in his treatment plan.  He will be back to come out for lunch with us – been hoping to take him to this nearest garden centre since it reopened after refurb – been there three times ourselves.

    RUSTY – Cystitis is very tiring – I hope you will feel better soon.  Why do these things always hit over the weekend?  I find “e-consult” very difficult – however I answer the many questions I always seem to end up being told I have something very serious which can’t be dealt with online – guess it’s because of complications with my regular meds!  Such a neat and tidy garden in which to enjoy your Tulips etc!

    PAT – interesting to imagine you “galloping around” enjoying spring – just like a young lamb!

    Well, onwards and upwards with the church magazine – hoping to finish a few days early as I have put in a notice specifically for next Sunday although that is still in the old month.

  • Rusty:   Yes, very pretty garden you have there.  Enjoy it while you're getting better.

    OG: Wow, sounds like things (your chair for one) are coming together.  Hope the lunch at the garden center is good

    PatO:  Nothing too exciting to report here either.  Granddaughter is on her way back from working on the Arizona house so will possibly be back in time to pick up Ms. D from school this afternoon.  I still need to give the house a thorough clean but not currently motivated....

    Must clean out the keyboard on my laptop, they all seem to be sticking......

    Meanwhile, take care all.

  • Sorry you hear you're not too good, Rusty, but hope the meds soon kick in. I always used to get cystitis on a weekend!! Soo inconvenient. What pretty tulips glad they cheered you up  

    I meant to come on this morning with this but got sidetracked by boring housework!! 

    Pat, loved your tale of the springtime fox!! 

    Diane - Hoping you're not feeling too grim.

    OG - great that your chair is fixed.

    I'm off to bed as it's been a long day.

  • RUSTY - I hope you are feeling much better. What a neat garden. Your tulips have such tall stems - is that normal? Mine, when they deigned to flower, were stumpy. Nothing has appeared from crocus (burial) patch. I think I was too late. However other green shoots for other spring bulbs are starting to appear elsewhere.

  • RUSTY  lovely tulips....ours should be out any day.  AQ  ours have very long stems too.

  • AQ - re tulips. I also had some early flowering ones which had shorter stems. These are later flowering obviously. I know nothing about these things. I go to the garden centre and look at the pictures!!! I do read whether they are early or late! These are in peat free compost and seem to have done OK. My potatoes in sacks are also in it. Last year in my opinion, they didn’t do as well as when they were in compost with peat. Still, one has to think about the environment! 
    OG - hope the chair was done to your satisfaction and that you got your trip to the garden centre. 
    Lindy - thanks for the good wishes. Sorry you are tired. I am hoping the antibiotics kick in soon for the cystitis. I have my hearing check up this morning. 
    it’s nice and sunny which lifts the spirits.