Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 31 March 2024


I hope everyone has a good week! I wish a nice Easter to those who celebrate the holiday.

Remember when I heard that big squawk last week? I thought it might be the Great Blue Heron. But it wasn't. It was the big male Pileated Woodpecker, with his glorious red head. This year, the pair is nesting in the woods right across from my front door! I was so happy to see them. They have always been revered birds in my family. 

Love and hugs to everyone! Welcome back, LINDY. It was nice to see LIMPY last week! 

  • Pat O  What a lovely thing to do.   Friends are such a joy.

  • Not too bad now, but still not fully myself - greetings to all

  • Good to hear from you OG. Glad that you are feeling better and hope you will soon be back to your normal self.

    I am pleased to see the re introduction of page numbers, so much easier to navigate.

    Nothing very exciting happening here. Hairdresser came today. I used live near the salon where she works two days a week. When I came here, I intended to find somewhere nearby, but then decided that I didn't fancy someone different cutting my hair. Fortunately M had given me her phone number. She is very popular here now, and comes in very week. Even my OH, who always went to the barbers and was put off by "hairdresser" thinks she is wonderful now!  She cuts several of the mens hair. We have a salon here in the communal area.

  • We used to move house every few years and my worst nightmare was finding a new hairdresser.   I have been with my hairdresser for a good number of years and when she moved to a new salon I went with her.  Luckily it was still within walking distance albeit a bit further away.

  • Morning all:  Have been reading but not posting - busy catching up on long-delayed stuff in our house - but! - finally got a haircut yesterday!  Oh joy.  We are having a belated little party for Ms D's 13th birthday tomorrow with grandson and his wife coming from San Luis Obispo.  Ms. D loves her new school; has been befriended by others and says the teachers are 'funny and kind.'  (Hopefully they know their subjects and can communicate them well too.)

    Hope OG is doing better.  See that Rusty is still as busy as ever.  Hope everyone else is doing well too.    

  • Well I think those episodes are all over now - about 5 medical problems all at once starting mid-March and they and their treatments interfered with each other.  Quite a long time confined to bed which added difficulty getting back to almost my "normal" mobility.  Keeping up with some exercises to try to move further and better.

    In the middle of it all, I had to enlist E-E to help with the church magazine - my input mostly being while lying in bed!  Got it done on time for last week!I was on prayer rota Easter Sunday, but he thought I was not well enough to go, so I compiled hhe prayers for him to read.  My turn again this week as ended old rota and first on the new one - must try to get that altered!

    Can't reply to individual posts, but will try to look in daily from now on.

  • OG - really good to hear from you. You sound to have had a very difficult time. Well done for keeping going (with help) on the magazine and for finding a solution to your prayers for Sunday. 
    Annette - glad you have been able to catch up a bit, Glad Miss D is happy in her new school. Hope the party goes well. 
    On the subject of hairdressers - mine gave up her salon before Covid but still comes home hairdressing to “select” clients!!!! I didn’t know what it would be like not being at the salon but I like it now. 
    I have been to see my friend who is finally back at her assisted living flat after over 3 months of hospital and rehab. Frankly - I think she is finding it very difficult. (She discharged herself from the rehab place because she didn’t like it.) As a consequence, things were not in place for her to be at home. Fortunately, her daughter visited from the US and sorted a few things. We just had a chat today. She is enjoying seeing her friends and going to the activities in the complex. 
    I bought  my sweet pea plants this morning, I was hoping to plant them out tomorrow but we have storm Kathleen on the way! 

  • Gosh. We have gone a long way down the list. I am bumping us up with the news that I have planted my sweet peas this morning. It is dry, mild and only a bit windy (so far) 

  • Well done for planting the sweet peas, Rusty. 

    I want go out to my (very windy) roof terrace this afternoon to prepare some containers for planting. 

    A trip to the garden centre is calling. I will buy sweet pea plants, but intend to sew cosmos seeds which were very successful last year. I love them.