Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 11 February 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

There was a major ruckus over my patch this past week. A dispute arose between the flock of Crows and the Barred Owl pair. I don't know what the issue of contention was, but the crows filled the sky cawing and squawking loudly, and the owls' booming hoots filled the forest for nearly an hour. 

We had a couple of days of record-breaking warmth that made everyone shake their heads in surprise. It was 67F or 19C in my area with glorious sunshine. So very strange for February. It's back to winter now with snow coming next week.

So nice to see Heather back. Take care and don't try to do too much, Heather.

Love and hugs to all.

  • Annette - it sounds as if you still have a lot to organise before mid March, I am sure it will all be worth it.
    Dibnlib - glad you managed to get those tickets.
    Lindy - I thought you would know Parkgate! I have been birdwatching again today with the Flora and Fauna group this time. Flora wise we saw Alexanders, sweet violets, a red campion, daffodils and lots of lovely blackthorn. We were at the coast so it makes a big difference to when things flower. We were at Point of Ayr on the Welsh side of the Dee. Again it was a very high tide which came right up to the dyke we walked along. We had never seen it like that before. Great close up sightings of pale bellied Brent geese, pintails, and hundreds of curlew. Lots more of course but it was a good day.
  • RUSTY I also know Parkgate as it was a must when we stayed with my Grandparents who lived in Bebington,,,,,another must was Chester zoo.
  • A bird greeting on Valentine's Day to you All: 

    (Not my photo, pinched it from elsewhere)

  • No Valentine's Day in this residence - it was OH's birthday (one with a big 8 in front). Our evening meal was a replica of Xmas Day  - turkey roll, roast potato & carrot plus broccoli & cauli with trimmings (grsvy, cranberry, stuffing). Followed by choc cream pie. All washed down with. . . tap water.

    In tonight's episode of Scottish Isles I shall be visiting Islay & Jura.

  • Well, I have got “a man” coming today on Valentine's day!!!! Sadly, he is just going to look at my computer (LOL) My PowerPoint program keeps telling me it is not responding and I am getting very frustrated with it. I can’t get on with my presentation. Whilst waiting for him. I am going to do my French homework ready for next Monday.
  • Good morning, all.  Thought you should know about this - they're upgrading the Community and it looks like it'll be unavailable from midday tomorrow.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Pat O said:
    One place I visit regularly has a book on one of their shelves on 'Teach Yourself Ancient Greek'. To my knowledge it hasn't moved for about eight years. I'm trying to pluck up courage to ask if they want it any more ...

    Sounds like you should ask.  It's a fascinating language - I learned a little of it at high school and was later told I'd managed to end up at the only state school in the whole of East Anglia which taught it.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Thank you Clare. I will come back on Friday and hope to see everyone then! Fingers crossed.
  • AQ Hope you enjoy "Scottish Isles" an ex RAF colleague of ours has lived on Jura for many years now. He is the coastguard officer there and the postie. A relative of his wife's left her a house on condition they lived there and though the idea did not appeal at first they fell in love with the island and the way of life.