Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 4 February 2024


I hope everyone has a good week!

I don't have any interesting stories to tell. I haven't been outdoors. Sunday, February 4, is the exact midpoint between the winter solstice and the spring equinox in the UK/US. My temps are predicted to warm up this week. We had some glorious sunshine today. The new moon is Friday, February 9.

Wishing healing for HEATHER and safety for ANNETTE. The news reports of that impending storm are ominous.

Hugs and love to everyone!

  • A couple of Indianapolis friends and I are going to the Hoosier National Forest in southern Indiana to see the eclipse. One of them has a tiny old cabin on a small mountain (tall hill) there, and we'll spend a few days hiking and seeing the sights in addition to viewing the eclipse. It's a beautiful place.

    You are correct, Annette. Hotels, camping grounds, and other accommodations, as well as restaurants, flights, gasoline, etc are all wildly, outrageously expensive during that week of the eclipse. We are taking our own food, water, and gear.
  • ANNETTE: I'm glad you posted. I was concerned about you. That storm has been devastating in some places.
  • Unknown said:

    Tiger: I've no idea which eclipse Carly referred to, but it's rumored she had Warren Beatty in mind for the title....

    AQ: Your little neighbor obviously sees you as a potential playmate, but what with your OH's interruptions, probably not a good thing to encourage. :-) . We tend to get foam bullets or whatever shot over the fence by neighbor's kiddies.

    Storm was pretty strong here with flooding near the beach where a creek meets the ocean.  Trees down too, but really, not too unlike similar bad weather in the UK.

    The line was "You flew up to Nova Scotia to see the eclipse of the sun"    So when did Nova Scotia have solar eclipses? 

  • Diane: I envy you!

    Tiger: Haha. When I finish sorting out all my challenges here, I'll maybe have time to research eclipses in Nova Scotia!
  • Annette - glad to hear you have survived the storm although it sounds to have been very wild.
    Diane - I wish you clear skies and a wonderful view of the eclipse.
    I am pleased to report that my leaking central heating boiler has been fixed this morning. It took the engineer 2 hours as it was very tricky. The diagnosis was the “right hand manifold return flow switch adaptor was broken!!!!” Well, why didn’t I think of that when I discovered the leak!!! LOL!
  • Rusty - Erm....of course!! Glad you could get it fixed alright.

    Annette - Gather that you had no damage from the storm. Try and rest between rushing around !

    Diane -- Wow, what a great opportunity to see something historic and stupendous! Enjoy yoursrlves!! (Take plenty of chocolate in your supplies)

    Tiger - I love that song! Always thought it was about Warren Beatty. But suppose there are plenty of candidates!
  • Quite a kerfuffle here over the Kings illness. The papers do like to make a huge drama about anything to do with the royals. We were amused last night to see several journalists trying to discuss it in the cold wind, standing outside Buckingham Palace, as if it were important that they were there! Of course, they might just as well have been in a warm studio. And not much was said that hadn't been said already yesterday.

    Edit:  Now reading back, it sounds as if I'm not concerned about him but of course I wish him well.  I just feel that he wouldn't like too much fuss.

    I'm in our little study, supposedly doing some paperwork. I can hear the rain pounding down and my OH has just returned from playing 10 holes of golf, most of it before the worst of the rain started, thankfully. Bonnie greets him as if he's been away for 6 months!

    I hope that OG and EE are coasting along, and all is well with them. Heather, I'm sure your lovely family are keeping you supplied with food and love, and I hope you're taking it easy even though I know you don't like to be "lazy".

  • Unknown said:
    Diane: I envy you!

    Tiger: Haha. When I finish sorting out all my challenges here, I'll maybe have time to research eclipses in Nova Scotia!

    Google is your friend. 

  • OK, I'm busy and are you all too? Off to watch a doco on Islands in the Clyde.