Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 January 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

I don't have any wildlife stories to share this week. We've had snow and 60 mph winds last night, and tonight we've been warned of dangerous arctic cold settling in. The "feels like" temperature (sub-zero temp plus wind chill) is predicted to be near 25 below zero Fahrenheit. That's 32 below zero Celcius. All of the wildlife have gone to their burrows, nests, and other shelter to try to stay warm. We've been warned that power outages are possible, and the extreme cold will stay around through the week. I'm going to read the novel "Project Hail Mary", which I've had for awhile but haven't read yet. I bought a second arctic sleeping bag for the bed and also some thick, fleece slipper socks and some flip-top gloves.

Hugs to all of you!

  • Sizzling Australia? Not so, our max temps this week were low 30s and humid. Sizzling is dry heat and 40s! This morn it’s a cool 17 C. Should be a pleasant day for the Tour DownUnder cyclists riding in the Adelaide Hills. Tomorrow this g-mother is taking Dau & Trio to a Museum (as we did previous school holidays). They have chosen the Aviation Museum at Port Adelaide. I shall try not to be bored and look forward to lunch after. Grumpy does not want to join us.
  • AQ - You are, of course, quite right. But low 30s, when compared to our present minus 3, sounds like 'sizzling'!! I don;t like humidity, though. Hope you enjoy your trip to the Aviation Museum. Always so much more interesting with children.
  • Pat O said:
    But low 30s, when compared to our present minus 3, sounds like 'sizzling'

    CHOL:):) agree..

    Thanks AQ for reminder Cycle Tour, with so much else going o without OH I completely forgot, so will have to record for later.x


  • Talking of cold - the birdwatching has been cancelled today. We had a powdering of snow in the night and it is extremely frosty this morning. I think the lady who organises it was worried about us slipping and falling. So, I am going to do the supermarket shop instead and visit my friend in the cottage hospital this afternoon.
    AQ - I hope the trip to the Aviation Museum went well and that you managed to enjoy it! I had a photo of my niece’s 5 year old daughter and a koala yesterday. I assume there must be somewhere you can go and visit them.
    I often think about Heather and OG too. Like others, I miss their contributions. Heather I hope your rehab is going OK now and that the medication is sorted so that you are now not in danger of falling.
  • Sorry the birdwatching has been cancelled, Rusty. Not surprising, though. It was Minus 7 when I got up this morning! Very unusual for us here on the Cheshire Plains, where we get very few extremes, I'm glad to say. Its only 2 degrees now! and we have bright sunshine which makes everything look quite pretty: the frost and some of the snow from the other day are still here and are catching the sunlight.

    I hope Rusty finds her friend nicely tucked in and recovering. AQ - I bet the museum won't seem boring when seen through the eyes of the little ones. A nice trip out for you, anyway. Hope your OH survives without you for an hour or two - I expect he'll just sleep.

    My OH is prowling around. His golf is cancelled, of course, and he is looking for things to do. He's already rearranged the bins!! I've been trying to write some business letters which needed doing - I act as his secretarial help as he can't put a letter together and of course everything to do with the Internet usually falls to me, too. But since he got a smartphone, he has finally got drawn into things, can search The Web, does his golf bookings online, and now even has an email address of his own!

    I asked him to take a big duster to all the corners of the ceilings, as I can't now see the cobwebs with my defective eyesight, and I used to wonder years ago : "Why do Old People Always Have Cobwebs?"

    I hope everyone in the UK is managing to keep warm in this cold snap - warmer weather is predicted from Sunday, thank goodness. I'm pathetically grateful that we can afford to have the heating on when its so bad - many many cant, I know, and it makes me so mad that they don't get enough help with it. Millions seem to be wasted these days on the wrong things. Grr.. End of Rant!
  • The sun is still shining here, in the afternoon. Even so, there's still 2 day old snow on our lawn. The birds are flocking to my feeders and I hope it helps them that I keep topping them up. I've never had to refill the peanut feeder so often!

    I belong to a F. Book group for our local area, and several people have reported that they have no water - one of the mains has punctured. I'd better go & fill the kettle up just in case we are affected!
  • RUSTY and PAT O: Thank you for your concern about our political situation here in the US. I appreciate it. I have resigned myself to the reality that:
    * The US has been moving toward fascism for some time.
    * Trump will win the Republican nomination (unless he goes to prison or his health fails).
    * All the polling indicates that Biden can't defeat him.
    * Trump will choose Tucker Carlson, J.D. Vance, or another New Right figure for his running mate. So this time as president, he will not have people around him who will try to mitigate his actions.
    * Trump will take unprecedented steps to dismantle democracy. If his health fails, other fascists will pursue his agenda.
    * If civil unrest erupts, the area where I live will be dangerous.

    I admit that I'm afraid, and I will be following the news daily so I can make the best decisions for me.

  • I'm aware that I left off my travelogue I was posting of our last cruise, as we approached the festive season. I'll try now to catch up, before I forget what I was going to say!

    When I last wrote, we had left Ireland behind and were girding our loins so to speak, to cross the Bay of Biscay which is never calm at the best of times. We had to face the remains of Storm Babet which had already delayed us and put us off course. It was a rough couple of days during which we tried hard to ignore the rocking of the ship. My OH felt worse than I, and gritted his teeth. Sometimes we didn't want to bother with our evening meal, but made ourselves go, as a distraction. One night we were supposed to have a Formal Evening and dress up, but instead we went to the cafeteria and picked at a bit of something instead :-(

    Eventually, we were relieved to find one morning that we were approaching land, and it had calmed- we had reached Vigo, a Spanish Port not on our original itinerary.

    Vigo is a very important and vibrant place. It has grown, said our guide on our coach tour, so much that it has almost doubled in size in the last ten years. They were already a port when the new idea of container ships was invented: this was seized upon and invested in,  and now its a very main European port and is still growing and flourishing.

    We drove past the many docks and container cranes and I wondered if everything we saw would be so industrial, but it was interesting, and very well described by our guide who had lived there all of his life. First, he took us to a high place behind the city - this picture (taken in the rain) is of a famous bay where their original industry was born: farming shellfish. In the Bay were hundreds and hundreds of locations of the ropes put out to encourage shellfish to grow and be harvested. These were then sold all over Europe and were much prized as are of high quality. He was very proud to have been born in one of the small communities near the city where his family made a living from this. We left the bus and stood in the rain to admire the view! 

  • Lindybird Is that bougainvillea in the photo?

    Diane: I stopped believing in polls after they assured us Hilary would beat Trump. Re the latter, I'm wondering how he can stay healthy when's he's practically exploding with rage; surely he's risking a stroke......???? Still, as you say, there are a lot of Trump wannabees out there.
  • This church towered above us on the highest point of the mini mountain we were on. If we had had more time, he said, we could have gone in as it was very old and famous. I forget the name of it now,  sadly. But it looked much loved, with colourful shrubs planted around it.