Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 January 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

I don't have any wildlife stories to share this week. We've had snow and 60 mph winds last night, and tonight we've been warned of dangerous arctic cold settling in. The "feels like" temperature (sub-zero temp plus wind chill) is predicted to be near 25 below zero Fahrenheit. That's 32 below zero Celcius. All of the wildlife have gone to their burrows, nests, and other shelter to try to stay warm. We've been warned that power outages are possible, and the extreme cold will stay around through the week. I'm going to read the novel "Project Hail Mary", which I've had for awhile but haven't read yet. I bought a second arctic sleeping bag for the bed and also some thick, fleece slipper socks and some flip-top gloves.

Hugs to all of you!

  • BJANE I hope your house is warm enough and your power stays on. I know it's bad there.

    HARELADY: Thank you for your post to me mentioning the predicted dangerous cold here. I hope you and your family are well.

    RUSTY: Good that you've had opportunities for long chats with old friends. I've been meaning to tell you that I am so pleased that your recent tests were negative for cancer.

    HEATHER: It was nice to hear from you, but 8 weeks is a long time in the hospital. I so hope you are improving and can get out of there soon.

    OG: I miss you.

    AQ: Your caregiving for your OH sounds increasingly difficult. I try to send you good energy every day. Take care of yourself.

    ANNETTE: I hope the condo is finished soon and your granddaughter has an easy move. I hope having her close will help you.

    CLARE: I hope LIMPY can get on a better drug and things will improve with Helen. Sending you good energy.

    LINDY: I'm sorry your OH is declining a bit. I hope you are feeling well. I read all of your posts with interest.

    I wish I could include more replies but my fingers are starting to freeze.

    Love to all.
  • DIANE – Thank you for starting us off despite the freezing fingers.  I can’t imagine your weather – we in Adelaide have low 30s until Wednesday when it drops to a cool 23 C. Australia has been crazy lately with floods in eastern states and bushfires in West Aust.

    RUSTY – Your niece & Co will find Adelaide weather quite a shock after UK.

    LINDA – I suggest your OH does not give up the allotment. Perhaps reduce what he grows, but he will need a hobby or two or more.

    Today when OH sat down for a “chat”, instead of me babbling, I fetched the cards the Speech Pathologist gave “us”. Each card has a question to prompt OH to talk more. Note he has never been one to chat. OK, at random he chose “Do you remember your first girl/boy friend?” I had told Dau that I thought he would at least remember the little neighbour that he played with when he was 5-6. But no, he was blank. I do know a few names from his past, girl & boy, and with prompting he managed a few minutes. Watch this space for next question in a few days.

  • Just a thought

    No, I can’t do Snapchat or TiTok, but I can write in cursive, do Maths without a calculator and tell the time on a clock with hands. (t shirt message)

  • Diane (Thank you!) and bjane: Was thinking about both of you these last couple of days what with the ghastly weather back there. It looks just awful. I can't imagine. Do hope you don't lose power.

    AQ: My OH doesn't chat either. He'd say he can't get a word in edgewise. He may have a point as I'm a great one for chatting to nobody in particular as I go about the house. He especially has a hard time when I ask a question or tell him something when I'm walking away from him. Can't imagine why. :-))

    Hope everyone has a good week. I'll be watching the weather headlines and keeping an eye on bjane and Diane.
  • Diane - It's difficult for us in UK to imagine the temperatures you mention. I'm sure you are glad of the arctic sleeping bag and fleecy socks. I do hope the power doesn't go off - you will need plenty of hot drinks and food. Thoughts, prayers and hugs coming your way - and of course for bjane as well. And we complain when the temperatures reach zero ...
  • @AQ sending you Hugs ,Love and Prayers.

    Tis very trying and Hard.Bless you.

    Thanks Diane Brr!!!pleased you have the Arctic quilt/bag etc

    Also kind,thoughts to everyone.


  • Pics of one of the two squirrels currently invading our garden to get at the nuts I put out for our feathered friends.

  • Sorry, am going out so no time to reply except to thank Diane for starting us off with her poor freezing fingers. Keep as snug as you can, Diane. Those winds mentioned on Facebook sounded wild.

    AQ - Do think of you often: such a difficult job you have now.

    I hope Heather is home soon. It's been such a long time.

    Hope that OG & EE are coping.
  • My heart goes out to you Diane.  Cold is VERY bad for me and I need to be careful. What you have just described for your next week fills me with dismay.For you  and for the wildlife. You bought a second arctic sleeping bag ....................    just doesn't bear thinking about !

    Project Hail Mary sounds interesting  -  I hope you'll tell us a little more about it as you read., please.I

    I really trust your week goes very rapidly  - I shall certainly be thinking about you and sending warm thoughts. A massive hug to you too

  • You've only got two   - fortunate you  Lindy..

    I would kill them if I could. No, I'm not joking. They have destroyed the feeders , never mind the nuts. And I'm seriously considering finding someone who can humanely cull them.