Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 January 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

I don't have any wildlife stories to share this week. We've had snow and 60 mph winds last night, and tonight we've been warned of dangerous arctic cold settling in. The "feels like" temperature (sub-zero temp plus wind chill) is predicted to be near 25 below zero Fahrenheit. That's 32 below zero Celcius. All of the wildlife have gone to their burrows, nests, and other shelter to try to stay warm. We've been warned that power outages are possible, and the extreme cold will stay around through the week. I'm going to read the novel "Project Hail Mary", which I've had for awhile but haven't read yet. I bought a second arctic sleeping bag for the bed and also some thick, fleece slipper socks and some flip-top gloves.

Hugs to all of you!

  • The House in the Clouds in the background
  • LINDY I hope Sue recovers soon.....it has been a long haul.
  • HARELADY What a lovely pic, thank you.
  • As a registered Democrat living in the VERY RED State of Iowa, I can only shake my head in disbelief and frustration! I had to turn the TV off last night after listening to some of the caucus voters and their reasons for voting for Trump. "He's the only person who can get us out of this mess we're in", "He's for Law and Order" , "he is such a Godly man", etc. They obviously watch only right-wing tv and read right-wing articles.....
  • bjane: I didn't even tune in last night; such ignorance. It's nauseating and discouraging. And I'm not especially thrilled by Joe's running mate - if.... I may have to spend the rest of this year going for long walks by the ocean......

    Harelady I remember driving by the House in the Clouds when I spent the night in Aldeburgh with my sister some years back. I have three prints of the seafront framed behind my desk; bought them from the bookstore there...
  • Breaking News: Just read on the BBC that British citizens living abroad for more than 15 years can now vote in UK elections! (Wish I'd been able to do that before Brexit.)
  • Now it's my turn to ask Where is everybody?
  • Here I am Annette. Awake early!!! It was on the news about British citizens abroad being able to vote.
    Harelady - lovely photo.
    Bjane- sending sympathy at your disbelief and frustration.
    Well, the snow melted here by lunchtime yesterday. In the end I didn’t have to go to the hospital to see my friend as she FaceTimed me to say that she was being transferred to the local cottage hospital to continue with her physio and recuperation.
    She emailed later to say she had arrived. As her son is visiting today, I will now probably visit on Thursday and it will be much easier as it is just down the road.
  • Here I am! The sun is shining here and I'm doing boring chores! Just fed the birds and was rewarded with an appearance of our beautiful cheery robin, who often pops by to watch me fill the feeders, even though he can't benefit, being a ground feeding bird. I throw him/her a handful of seed just by the feeders, and others come to enjoy the treat.

    I've been busy but have kept up with reading about all your goings on.
    Annette: You are having a busy time getting things ready for your daughter. I hope all goes well for her and that the condo is going to be good for her needs.

    Bjane: My sympathy too, at your annoyance and frustration with the way things are going.

    Rusty: It will be nice for you to visit your friend if she is nearer. She must be recovering if she is being moved.
  • Here I am as well!

    Annette - I think many people in the UK wish you had been able to vote before Brexit as well! It may have been a different outcome ...

    It's very cold out there - 0 decrees C at the moment. The sun is trying to break through but not quite succeeding. The forecast 'high' for today is 2 ... glad I don't have to go out any more until Friday, when the high is forecast to soar to 4!!

    bjane - I do wonder how the Trump supporters see their future. Can they not see they are being swept along on a tide of shouting and false promises from someone who has been convicted of many illegal actions and proved to be a bare-faced liar over decades? It's a form of brain-washing, and extremely dangerous. My heart goes out to you, and to Annette, Diane and my friend Shirley, living in California - and to all those thinking people who can see how serious things could get. I pray for common sense and far-sightedness to prevail.

    My thoughts are with Heather, and with OG and family, hoping they are well and will soon be back with us. They are much missed. Best wishes for everyone else, that we are all coping with whatever weather is being thrown at us. Especially thinking of AQ - and my friend Sue - in sizzling Australia.