Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 October 2023


I hope everyone has a great week!

  • Hot water and microfiber cloths. The best for windows and mirrors. Use Dawn dishwashing detergent first if windows are really dirty.

  • Annette and Bjane, it's nice to see you but I'm wondering where Diane is. Is she still spitting bullets over the choice of Speaker?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare: My OH drives the Camry, I have a Honda CRV - was beginning to feel vulnerable out on the freeway and besides, I seem to be carting more stuff hither and yon these days. Diane was here a few days ago; she and I have been spitting bullets about one political thing or another for quite a few years. The choice of Speaker is just one more thing. The Republicans are craven and fearful of the Orange Menace's disapproval and the effect on the Republican base (and it's pretty darn base I can tell you!) Meanwhile, no likelihood of us running out of bullets in this country. Sigh.

    I'm off to Costco to get my updated Covid and flu shots.
  • Unknown said:
    Diane was here a few days ago; she and I have been spitting bullets about one political thing or another for quite a few years. The choice of Speaker is just one more thing. The Republicans are craven and fearful of the Orange Menace's disapproval and the effect on the Republican base (and it's pretty darn base I can tell you!)

    Apparently he thinks you'd all do well to return to the values of the 18th century ....... blimey, I really hope he's not married.  He clearly doesn't like or respect women.

    Unknown said:
    Meanwhile, no likelihood of us running out of bullets in this country. Sigh.

    Clearly.  Why can't all these nutters develop a taste for paper targets overnight?  Someone badly needs to cancel the NRA ..... your NRA, I hasten to add.

    Unknown said:
    I'm off to Costco to get my updated Covid and flu shots.

    That's very good to know.  Limpy and I had ours five weeks ago.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning. Dry here with light cloud. Don't forget the clocks go back on Saturday/Sunday, here in the UK!

    Good to hear that the perpetrator in Maine has been found dead -- no more danger to anyone. What an awful business.
  • Lindy - I really don’t like it when the clocks go back. I hate having to draw the curtains so early. I don’t have SADS because I still go out a lot in the day, but I can understand how those who do feel.
    I have cleaned 2 more windows and have 2 more smallish ones to do before coffee! At least it’s not sunny so I can’t see any streaks I may have left! (Thanks for all the tips by the way everyone)
    Monty Don told me last night to bring my geraniums in so that is what I will do after lunch (I have 4 in pots on the patio) It was sad that his dog Nellie died. She wasn’t very old.
  • Lindybird: Re perpetrators:: Unfortunately we seem to have an endless supply of them.
  • LINDA - have avoided "news" - should be "opinion" - bulletins so far today so hadn't heard that they found the Maine gunman! Good to know that. I love that guide to putting the clocks back!

    RUSTY - we already put our geraniums in - but we are a bit north of you. Hadn't heard about Monty losing another dog - none of the hype compared with Nigel!

    Mags were printed this morning and I just sent out the email copies. Looks like I might not get to service tomorrow - forecast looks rather wet. Will go if dry at setting out time, as I don't so much mind getting wet on the way home. J has heard nothing about jobs at start of new term this coming Monday; his legs are slowly improving at last, so he will go wherever if asked - depending on transport.
  • RUSTY yes I read about Monty Don losing his Goldie. We had 3 Goldies from1980 - 2013 and 2 together for some of these years. This meant for a lot of vacuuming and a wet Goldie takes a lot of drying. I wouldn't swap Benson for anything but I still miss Harvey, Fingal and Benson and can't walk past a Goldie without saying "Hello" My Goldies by the way were 14 years and 4 months (Harvey) !3 years and 8 months (Fingal) and !! years and 3 months for Dillon.

    I am hopeless at cleaning windows