This has just appeared at Loch Garten. The Goshawk nest live webcam.
Good view of one egg..
Bart molenaar said:Another egg! Ofc.. totally invisible, but she was in labour for about 5 minutes…
If you say so, Bart
Here's a little vid showing a glimpse of definite egg:
02 May
No evening strike, just one Tawny flyover found, early this morning:
03 May
As per title - and don't scoff - I've only just noticed that we're viewing the ground thru the trees - so if I've thought there was a distant Pine Marten, it was probably a deer
If there were any disturbances, I missed them.
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
I haven't seen any disturbances to the incubating Goshawk since the last one reported - just a minor property theft this morning:
Stretches this morning:
09 May
The Tawny Owl hasn't given up on getting rid of the Goshawk threat!
10 May
Dad with twigs, and down in the bottom right corner a deer passed thru. At the time there was a Chaffie on the right side of the nest but it was bobbing too far up and down the screen for a cropped capture so I omitted it.
The Chaffie:
I noticed the LG cam going into buffer so was able to do another couple of hours, and the Chaffie came back and deserved a little vid:
Stream is back up of its own accord.
Quick update - I don't know the predicted hatch date but can't see any sign of a hawklet - rare glimpse of 3 eggs at least: