Link to June 2022

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The Osprey Protection Programme at Loch of the Lowes is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes


Things continued to go well at the beginning of June and on the 4th, we celebrated a record nine fish delivery day from Laddie. During the following week, the number of fish brought to the nest took a sudden decline and with this, we witnessed chick #3 befalling to sibling aggression - first from chick #1 and then chick #2. Very sadly, this then led to the dear Osplet being blocked from getting close to NC0 for feeding. Devastatingly, after a very early fish delivery on the morning of the 15th June, the middle chick subjected the youngest to a severe attack from which, in its weakened state, it could not get up from. The little one passed away on the nest a few hours later at the age of 23 days old.

  Purple heartSoar high and free, brave #3 - you will always be remembered...Purple heart


Subsequent to the passing of the youngest chick, fish deliveries from Laddie began to increase with him even outdoing his previous record by bringing an amazing ten to the nest on a single day. NC0 made her first dive from the split birch (since the chicks had hatched) on the 24th June and brought her catch back to the nest, much to the surprise of the chicks!
The youngsters have continued to grow at an amazing rate and, on the evening of the 27th June - at the ages of 39 and 37 days old respectively - they were ringed. Their genders could not be determined.
A milestone for the chicks was observed on the evening of the 29th June when both self-fed and the following day, LR0 showed its strength of character to successfully claim two fish!
Hopefully, LP8 and LR0 will continue to do well and that we will witness their successful fledges this month.

Nest Updates

Arrival dates:  Laddie - 13.3.22 (c12:00)   NC0 - 23.3.22 (18:14)

Three eggs laid:  Egg #1 - 12.4.22 (18:34)   Egg #2 - 15.4.22 (16:05)  Egg #3 - 18.4.22 (12:14)

Hatch dates:  Chick #1 - 19.5.22 (10:26) - 37 days   Chick #2 - 21.5.22 (03:24) - 36 days   Chick #3 - 23.5.22 (19:46) - 35 days

15.6.22:  At 23 days old, chick #3 passed away Broken heart

27.6.22:  Our osprey chicks have been ringed! (Genders not able to be positively determined, ? both males)

Chick #1: LP8 (39 days old) - wing measurement = 360mm, weight = 1.5kg

Chick #2: LR0 (37 days old) - wing measurement = 315mm, weight = 1.44kg

Fledge dates: LP8 - 13.7.22 (10:06) 55 days old   LR0 - 15.7.22 (13:55) 55 days old


July Blogs and Updates:

Links to blogs and updates during March/AprilMay, and June

2.7.22:  Female Osprey NC0 brings a Monster Pike to the Nest

3.7.22:  Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes – Week 13 (inclusive of ringing data)

8.7.22:  Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes – Week 14

12:7.22:  Osprey Chick LP8 Close To Fledging (SWT YT video)

13.7.22:  Eldest Osprey Chick LP8 Fledges!

29.7.22:  Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes – Week 17

  • Another small fish from NC0 at 20:13

    Heading to the nest from around the bend 

    LR0 approached the fish to take it but then stepped away, it was as if he was unsure about the fish

    LP8 then made its way forward and took hold of the fish

    LP8 took it to the back of the nest

    LR0 fish calling


  • 20:43 LR0 in a period of resting quietly (though does give the occasional fish call)

  • 21:52 Fish delivery from Laddie, LR0 was already on the nest. LP8 (who had left the birch and followed Laddie to the nest when he flew around the birch corner with his catch) arrived as its sibling was attempting to take the fish, of which it succeeded

    LP8 (leaving the birch and its reflection) and Laddie

    LR0 grabbed hole of Laddie's talons before taking the fish

    22:06 NC0 on the birch, LP8, front, LR0 still eating

    Same scenario at 22:22

    Apologies for the evening blurriness of the pics


  • LP8 flew from the nest at 22:24

    LR0 continued to eat


  • LR0 eating at 22:39

    He stopped and then left the nest at 20:40ish

    His talons clearly showing that he didn't take the remains of the fish with him

    23:33 NC0 has stayed on the perch


  • Good morning

    LP8 arrived at the nest and found the remainder of the fish at 5:17ish


  • 5:25 While LP8 was still eating, NC0 flew past the right side of the nest and over Loch. Laddie was on his way with a fish. NC0 landed back on the nest just before Laddie

    NC0 made no attempt to take the fish. LP8 took its time to approach

    Laddie released his grip from the 'live' fish and it flapped on the nest

    Finally contained

    While LP8 was eating, NC0 flew from the nest

    5:46 Laddie with his second delivery. LR0 was calling on the cam post, NC0 was calling too - perhaps to tell the youngster to come down to claim it? Once again, NC0 didn't attempt to take the 'live' fish

    Laddie took it away

    5:54 LR0 came down to the nest from the cam post and found the discarded fish piece

    When moving it, a piece came off close to NC0, she fed him it

    LR0 then proceeded to eat the remainder of the fish

    At 6:16ish, LP8 walked away from the fish it had been eating. NC0 headed over to it and ate some for herself

    NC0 eventually fed some to LR0

    6:54ish NC0 finishing off the fish


  • LP8 has been on and off the nest fish calling since. Laddie has not redelivered his fish

    This cheeky crow visited at 7:53 and found a morsel to take away

    9:08 ENS


  • 9:40 Laddie to the nest with a stick. NC0 arrived on the nest and he immediately turned and postured.

    NC0 incoming, she had left the birch just before Laddie arrived with the stick

    NC0 shouted for fish

    LP8 arrived. Laddie's 'romantic' gesture stopped! lol

    Shouting for fish 

    A nip at Laddie's wing

    Looking for fish as Laddie prepared to leave

    LP8 then fish called to NC0


  • With LP8's fish calls still ringing in her ears, and with her shouting too, NC0 left the nest at 9:54
