I think this will be an interesting season at Loch Arkaig - who is going to take residence is the big question? 

For me it doesn't matter who, just as long as the nest is occupied. 



  • 09.46.27 Fish number three, headless Brown Trout.  Sarafina got it - she's had all three this morning!

  • 16.09 Lovely Louis delivering fish number four. He is just so gorgeous! With luck we'll have the pleasure of his company for two more weeks as I've got a feeling Willow might go soon - Dorcha's been gone since the 18th - but I think Sarafina will stick around til early September.

  • patily said:
    Is Willow getting enough to eat?

    She might be being fed off the nest, or maybe even fishing for herself. An independent chick, that one, unlike noisy feed me now Sarafina. As it hapens, she got the next fish, number four, after younger sister got the first three. Willow certainly looks in good shape, not too hollow cropped. Louis on the other hand looks like he could use a good feed.

    16.09.16 Fish number four, headless BT, Willow gets it

  • Top and tail! 06.57 A little visitor this morning. and another stunning sunset 20.03

    Big bird, little bird, and a rainbow

  • Geemeff said:

    16.09 Lovely Louis delivering fish number four. He is just so gorgeous! With luck we'll have the pleasure of his company for two more weeks as I've got a feeling Willow might go soon - Dorcha's been gone since the 18th - but I think Sarafina will stick around til early September.

    Yes, Louis is indeed a fine example of an Osprey, a lovely bird. Heart eyes What a great parent he is too. He works his socks off for his family. 

  • Wednesday 24th August. Good morning! It is for Louis, he's already broken his fastest fish record that he only broke yesterday. He brought two early fish: 06.13.56 and 06.04.25 = 9 minutes 31 seconds between deliveries.

    And a record nest to nest time too: departed 06.04.36, returned 06.13.56 = 9 minutes 20 seconds

    Well done Louis! Sarafina got the first and the second, but when Willow turned up she let her have one of them with no fuss.

  • 06.04.21 Someone does a flypast right before Louis lands. Chick arrives right after Louis, it's Sarafina.

    06.04.25 Fish number one, big headless BT

    06.13.56 Fish number two, whole BT. Poor Louis is rounded on by Sarafina despite just trying to deliver the second fish. He leaves as soon as possible. She drops the first fish and takes the new one.

  • Slow down Louis! Another fish arrives at 07.58.42

    Fish number three!, headless BT. Sarafina arrives squeaking seconds later

  • Lovely to see the sisters sharing a peaceful breakfast.

    06.59.56 Sarafina doesn't bother finishing the fish, drops the tail, cleans her beak and departs. Willow remains.

    07.01.20 Willow departs with her fish