Link to August 2021 to end of February 2022

Webcam page with links to LotL Visitor Centre and Wildlife Reserve FB, Twitter and Blogs >>>


The Osprey Protection Programme at Loch of the Lowes is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes


2021 return dates: LM12 (Laddie) - 21st March;  NC0(16) - 25th March

Laddie and NC0 were an exceptional team during 2021, successfully raising two very feisty and well fed juveniles, LR1 and LR2.  LR2 was sighted in Southern Spain on 3.9.21 and again on 25.10.21

2022 marks Laddie's 11th breeding year, NC0's 3rd, and very much hope that our wonderful pair have a safe, spring migration back to this stunning nest location at Loch of the Lowes. 


March/April Blogs and Updates

4.3.22: Blog (which includes a summary of the 2021 season with videos) >>> The countdown has begun...

13.3.22 c12:00: Laddie (LM12) arrived back from migration. 

Blog >>> LM12 has arrived back at Loch of the Lowes

23.3.22 c18:14: NC0 arrived back from migration. 

Blog >>> NC0 has arrived back at Loch of the Lowes

25.3.22: LotL Presentation >>> The Osprey Season: What can we expect?

31.3.22: Blog >>> Crowded House: Intruding Ospreys at Loch of the Lowes

5.4.22: Blog >>> When Will We Have Osprey Eggs at Loch of the Lowes?

12.4.22 c18:35: Egg #1  Blog >>> NC0 lays her first egg of 2022!

15.4.22 c16:05: Egg #2  Blog >>> NC0 has laid her second egg!

16.4.22: Blog >>> Updates from Week 1 & 2 of Osprey Watch at Loch of the Lowes

16.4.22: PT4(19) arrived back from migration.

Blog by Joanna Dailey (18.4.22) >>> Loch of the Lowes' PT4 returns to Kielder Forest

18.4.22 c12:14: Egg #3  Blog >>> NC0 lays her 3rd egg!

26.4.22: Blog >>> Updates from Week 3 of Osprey Watch at Loch of the Lowes

29.4.22: Blog >>> Meet Our Species Protection Officers at Loch of the Lowes

  • Sandra P said:
    17:50ish yesterday

    Unedited, covers till NC0 returned:

  • Thank you so very much for the vid,Scylla!!!!! I don't think I've seen Laddie so 'disturbed' before yesterday's episode. You're a star! Kissing heartHugging

  • scylla said:
    FISH !!! !!! !!!


    It was a lovely sized headless fish too - first of the day from what I can tell


    16:40 NC0 still tucking in to her fish on the birch; Laddie continues to incubate


  • I'm on the 'live' LotL Zoom Webinar presentation at the moment

    This was NC0 on the feeding post a short time ago (19:13)


  • Aw fabulous Sandra. I meant to join the webinar but only remembered at 6.28pm tonight and when I tried to book and pay my donation I was timed out as it closed at 6.30pm. I know they’re showing it again later though so I’ll catch it then.
    It’s good to see the birch in close up that we view from afar! Smiley
  • Oh that's a shame, Glider. Yes, it's been recorded so you'll be able to watch the whole 2 hours 10 minutes. Fascinating to see the area up close as well as some other wildlife - amazing!
    NC0 was still on the birch eating some more of the fish at the end of the webinar - it's been over 5 hours since she took it there after Laddie's delivery!



  • NC0 returned to the nest at 21:29. She still had the tail end of the 15:57 fish delivery in her left talons.

    Laddie was quick to get up and flapped his wings before leaving the nest. He headed to the birch. 

    NC0 took the fish into the nest cup with her as she settled to incubate the eggs.


  • Glad you enjoyed the webinar Sandra, such a historical place for ospreys. Great you got to hear about the other wildlife too. When you sent the photo of NCO, I picked it up at around 8pm and checked the live cam and sure enough she was still there in the distance on the dead birch. Laddie got a wee bit unsettled and started quietly chirping a bit whilst still sitting on the eggs. I remember a very noisy motorbike going by too. He got up and moved the eggs and sat down again. Little did he know he was there for a 5 hour shift!! He also flew off at one point for about a minute then returned to his eggs. I think next fish will be a tiddler again to get her back quicker. haha Laughing

  • 7.30pm (ish) Laddie returns to the nest after stretching his wings with a quick fly around.

  • Good morning,

    Glider, thank you for your reports yesterday evening! Grinning

    Laddie came to the nest at 4:43

    He gave NC0 a slight foot tap to make her rise from the eggs

    The fish tail was still next to the eggs

    6:12ish Laddie stood up and found the fish

    Transferred it into his left talons and flew off

    The eggs were alone for a short time before NC0 flew from the birch to the nest

    7:34 Laddie to the nest having eaten the fish

    She headed off to the birch

    7:50 Laddie

