Link to August 2021 to end of February 2022

Webcam page with links to LotL Visitor Centre and Wildlife Reserve FB, Twitter and Blogs >>>


The Osprey Protection Programme at Loch of the Lowes is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes


2021 return dates: LM12 (Laddie) - 21st March;  NC0(16) - 25th March

Laddie and NC0 were an exceptional team during 2021, successfully raising two very feisty and well fed juveniles, LR1 and LR2.  LR2 was sighted in Southern Spain on 3.9.21 and again on 25.10.21

2022 marks Laddie's 11th breeding year, NC0's 3rd, and very much hope that our wonderful pair have a safe, spring migration back to this stunning nest location at Loch of the Lowes. 


March/April Blogs and Updates

4.3.22: Blog (which includes a summary of the 2021 season with videos) >>> The countdown has begun...

13.3.22 c12:00: Laddie (LM12) arrived back from migration. 

Blog >>> LM12 has arrived back at Loch of the Lowes

23.3.22 c18:14: NC0 arrived back from migration. 

Blog >>> NC0 has arrived back at Loch of the Lowes

25.3.22: LotL Presentation >>> The Osprey Season: What can we expect?

31.3.22: Blog >>> Crowded House: Intruding Ospreys at Loch of the Lowes

5.4.22: Blog >>> When Will We Have Osprey Eggs at Loch of the Lowes?

12.4.22 c18:35: Egg #1  Blog >>> NC0 lays her first egg of 2022!

15.4.22 c16:05: Egg #2  Blog >>> NC0 has laid her second egg!

16.4.22: Blog >>> Updates from Week 1 & 2 of Osprey Watch at Loch of the Lowes

16.4.22: PT4(19) arrived back from migration.

Blog by Joanna Dailey (18.4.22) >>> Loch of the Lowes' PT4 returns to Kielder Forest

18.4.22 c12:14: Egg #3  Blog >>> NC0 lays her 3rd egg!

26.4.22: Blog >>> Updates from Week 3 of Osprey Watch at Loch of the Lowes

29.4.22: Blog >>> Meet Our Species Protection Officers at Loch of the Lowes

  • As far as I can tell, only one fish delivery so far today, and what a tiddler it was!


    Off to the birch

    I can't find NC0 having returned to the nest until two hours later at 14:42

    16:08 NC0 continues to incubate. She has fish called on occasion


  • A slightly bigger fish this time delivered by Laddie at 16:49ish

    17:04 Laddie dozing in the warm sunshine


  • Intruder alarm calls/chipping/flapping from Laddie while on incubation at 17:50ish. Distant alarm calls as well

    Laddie looking

    Chipping/high-pitched alarm calling

    Laddie rising, alarm calling

    Looking skyward, mantling

    Chipping/alarm calling

    Settled down but still on alert

    More chipping, he almost stood up

    No threat was seen BUT NC0 really spooked Laddie when she landed back to the nest (his back was to her). He shot off the nest!

    He suddenly stood up

    NC0 incoming

    She slipped a little bit on the edge of the nest in her haste to land

    He was off the nest at a rate of knots!

    NC0 hurried over to the eggs


  • A headless fish from Laddie at 20:44

    NC0 in flight directly behind Laddie

    NC0 landing on the birch


  • 21:19 NC0 on an outer branch of the birch while Laddie continues to incubate


  • NC0 to the perch at 21:25

    NC0 onto the nest

    I don't think he wanted to get up!

    NC0 managed to get Laddie off from the eggs

    Bless him, he wasn't in any hurry to leave either

    A flap and stretch of his wings

    He then turned around and headed off

    Laddie could be seen flying low over the Loch (behind the trees at he back of the nest) to the birch and, once there, he did another full circle around before flying towards the birch again - too difficult to get clear pics.

    NC0 settled for her night duty.


  • Thanks Sandra for the detailed catch-ups again. Clap These two are such a good pair. Laddie is so good at covering incubating to allow NCO a wee stretch and a break over and above the fish delivery breaks. His experience as a mate really shows and she never goes far so can always quickly return to the nest if needed. Good teamwork. Revolving hearts
  • I expect you are distraught (I had to think of a different word than "devastated", which I may have overused recently) that I haven't been supporting you {{{SANDRA}}} - I don't know how, but if you would like me to cover anything in particular you could msg me?  Maybe by typing a msg on every thread in the LG forums and I might notice it? Stuck out tongue 

    I have started the screen-capture with timeline again, a couple of days ago - so things shouldn't be difficult to find.

    Trouble is, we don't have lots of Sandras to cover more nests so thoroughly.


  • Morning Glider and Scylla,

    If only work didn't get in the way, I'd dip in and out of other nests throughout the day too.

    Yes, Glider, Laddie and NC0's teamwork is fantastic to witness!

    A quick round up from this morning:

    Laddie arrived just after 5am to take over from a frosty-feathered NC0

    NC0 returned at around 6:00 - she gave Laddie a foot tap to tell him his time on their eggs was up...

    He only rose after she had moved her right foot into the nest cup!

    Laddie brought in a stick 20 or so minutes later. He spent ome time 'faffing' around with it before heading off

    8:00 NC0

    Scylla, you cover so many nests already BUT 17:50ish yesterday if you still have the recording?

    Off to work, will check back later. BFN


  • FISH !!! !!! !!!

    And I see a large bold msg above re a recording, I wonder if it's for me? OK, I'll check.