News from Other Nests 2021
I'd been posting in "Forum Friends", here's a snap brought over, for the sake of starting this thread with something!
03 May
Intruder @ 11:45 but not seen:
More intrusions in the afternoon - and rubbish on the nest:
05 May
More rubbish - black plastic caught up with something else? - brought to the nest by the female:
I didn't remember to start Tweed Valley but have remembered this morning 06 May.
06 May
scylla said:More rubbish
Lord knows what this was, with a bundle of 'hay' dangling from it - I couldn't see where it ended up, it was on the other side of the sitter:
20 minutes later, another intruder, unseen:
And only 5 minutes later, this nice straight stick - which turned out to be more "balsa wood", she had it in several pieces in no time!
See how the "bedsheet" behaves dangerously when the wind it just right/wrong!
17:30 - I thought the male had flown in to sort the bedsheet but it was to repel an untruder:
There was another intrusion sometime after 20:00, I forgot the precise time.
Tweed Valley
Brilliant all day - but for the first 4+ hours there was only the sitter on-cam, apart from this little bird: Probably not a Chaffinch but some kinda finch, no?
This was the first changeover, here's the incoming bird:
And suspiciously shortly afterwards - a FISH !!!
Everything looked OK at close.
I wonder what the thinking behind the empty drinks can was. Seems pretty useless to me.
Richard B
07 May
Not as stable as yesterday BUT !!!
A glimpse of 3 eggs
However, I only saw one Osprey all day. An unusuallly long time was on zoom (the view in the snap above), so anyone on the perch would be out of sight.
Whatever next? A crushed Coke can? Something like it:
08 May
Lots 'n lots of the duo toing and froing this morning.
She had a long preen, probably after a dip:
Only one outage, around midday.
Teatime fish, this was the very best I could get:
There must be a waste site nearby.
He returns now with a squashed plastic drinks bottle, second one on the nest now.