Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 November 2021


The moon turns full and the partial lunar eclipse occurs on the night through morning of 18-19 November. For exact times for your house, insert your area/town/city in the box on this page of the Time and Date website.

Everyone have a joyful, serene week!!!

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  • I inserted London, England, in the Time and Date website above as an example, but you can put your own town/city in the box to see your exact times.

  • DIANE – Thank you for a new week and the eclipse info. Friday Adelaide expecting “shower or two”; betcha we get clouds in evening when . . . !

    LINDA – Hope caravan problems can be solved quickly. You must want to pack up and go home asap and “put your feet up”. {{{HUGS}}}

    Afternoon tea today, given by our leader & wife, with select group of fellow bus trip travellers. I was surprised to be invited as it is 2 years since I last “bussed”. It was great to catch up with the others, some of whom have been isolating too.

  • If you are afraid of being ruined by success, get a job with weather bureau. (Peter Creasey)

    I always arrive late to work, but I make up for it by leaving early.

    As a cure for worrying, work is better than whisky. (Thomas A Edison)

  • Good Morning. Dry here, & my OH said he and Bonnie witnessed a beautiful sunrise today when they were out for their first walk of the day.

    Thanks to Diane for starting us off again. "Joyful and serene" -- I'll try!!

    AQ - Glad you got to go to the afternoon tea event. I forgot to say before, that we had news reports of the forlorn little penguin who got lost!!

    Today, we're packing up things ready to shut up for the winter here: my OH thinks he has fixed the leaking window, fingers crossed, and we are leaving the Site Manager to deal with a boiler engineer who is coming some time this week to look at our mystery problem. We are treating ourselves to a nice lunch out so don't suppose we'll do much after eating it!
  • Quiet on here - thought a little owl might cheer you up!!

  • Enjoyed our lunch out - We both had a tiny plate of melon, followed by a big roast beef dinner with all the trimmings (in the UK this includes a Yorkshire pudding...) and then my OH opted for his favourite fruit crumble & custard, while I had a creme brulee which was delicious, and definitely on the cards for our next visit.

    Flaked out on the sofa afterwards, but now busy packing stuff up. Finding tins in the back of the cupboard which seem puzzlingly ancient. Bonnie seems to have lost her cow's horn which she discovered on the beach yesterday which makes me realise that she must have eaten the whole thing! Stomach of an ox....
  • Hallo all:  Internet issues here; gave up last night but hope to be more stable later.....   And thanks Diane!

  • How annoying, Annette. Hope you'll be with us tomorrow.
  • Lindybird: Yes, Am here with nothing much to report. Love that owl! Um, dare I say What a hoot?
  • Just a thought

    It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.

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