Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 November 2021


The moon turns full and the partial lunar eclipse occurs on the night through morning of 18-19 November. For exact times for your house, insert your area/town/city in the box on this page of the Time and Date website.

Everyone have a joyful, serene week!!!

  • Feeling a bit better – the cold is on its way out, I think. A dull weather day, but E-E is working in the greenhouse this afternoon. I have printed the C Card labels and allocated the cards, so shall start writing a few at a time over several days.

    LINDA – glad you have been assured that the caravan heating will keep it frost free during winter. I wish our government had imposed a lockdown last month as I am more sure than before that there will have to be a strict one though Christmas – which people will try to ignore and the terrible situation will just get worse. We watched Children in need on BBC1, then changed over for the University Challenge part before going to bed at normal time. UC is our most regular weekly viewing!

    CLARE – glad you had a good day at the Owl Sanctuary – with some excellent co-operation for photos. Thanks for sharing them. Most captive birds these days have been rescued from bad situations, so I don’t mind them being caged – with appropriate exercise.

    DIANE – hope your visit to the City has begun well – not sure whether you will have internet access on your phone.

    HEATHER – sure you will have enjoyed all the flowers! Are you having the usual weekend visits? Glad your Brother relocated his dog! Is he still recovering from the fall injuries to his shoulder as well as the stroke? Sounds as if he is doing plenty to try to improve his strength.

    AQ – loved the quote from Billy Connolly!

    E-E is in from garden, and ready to move me to a different room.
  • OG - glad that you and EE are feeling better.
    My brother still has pain from his shoulder injury - you will remember the dog pulled him over. My nephew's stepson does all the dog walking these days. Apparently, huskies are very energetic dogs and can leap over quite high fences. They inherited the dog from their eldest son and I've never thought it a good idea. The poor dog can't stand the heat, they aren't bred for French summers.
    Eldest daughter was here yesterday, she finished pruning the grape vine. When I thanked her, she said ' Mum, you looked after me when I was wee, now it's my turn'. It brought me to tears...
    Today, youngest daughter and family came for lunch. All the family do lateral flow tests before they come here.
  • So pleased to hear that you had a family visit, Heather. Well, it's true. You looked after them well when they were little, after all.

    OG & EE - hope your colds now abate and you can get on with life again. I've written all my cards except for a couple where I'm not sure people are still at the same address so may need to wait until they let me know. I feel better that it's one thing out of the way, although of course there are a couple of annual letters to write nearer to the time of sending.

    I love everything that Billy Connelly says: he's hilarious.
  • Got bored with University challenge and we switched allegiance to Only Connect a few years ago. It's very challenging!

    I've felt a little better for the last few days but not getting excited as my health seems to be very up and down these days. I know that something is not right with me I'm afraid. Will have to wait and see what my Doc says, eventually.
  • Linda, I long to have the voice of Billy Connelly on the sat nav--can just imagine the commentary if we do not take the correct exit or have gone round the roundabout several times and so on! At least it would bring a most welcome laugh if traffic is bad or we are lost, etc.  There would be nothing so civil as on our previous sat nav which always said "Recalculating."

    Kind regards, Ann