Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 3 October 2021


The moon turns new on 6 October, next Wednesday.

I hope everyone has a good autumn week. The trees are just beginning to turn a bit yellow here. No strong colors yet.

  • Diane: We have persimmon trees in back gardens here; well, some people do, just not me. My friend makes a fab bread/cake concoction that I'm sure would go wonderfuly with whipped cream.
  • Annette and Pat: Our persimmons are wild, and apparently they can't be cultivated. The pulp is very prized here, and people don't disclose the location of their secret trees. LOL!

    Annette: By the way, THIS is why I need a pickup truck and not an SUV. (A box will pop up and ask you to log in, but just click X to close it. The site is safe.)  LOL LOL LOL

    AQ: I know you haven't been able to get out much to photograph churches. So HERE'S ONE for you. I thought you'd like it. LOL (Click the arrows on the bottom right to expand the photo. The site is safe.)

  • Ha Ha DIANE

    A dolphin is swimming in the Torrens Outlet (near us), entertaining crowds tail-walking, etc. See Here.

  • AQ: That's a beautiful dolphin!!! I hope the expert folks are right and he or she can get back out with the high tide. Lovely!
  • Good morning, all.  I've just posted Part Two of our Mull holiday - click on this beautiful gull to see some more photos:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning. Must post and then dash off, as I awoke late this morning but I've lots to do. It's sunny!!

    Love that weird church, Diane, which I saw somewhere before, LOL!! Also the beautiful dolphin AQ.
  • Just a thought

    Next to trying and winning, the best thing is trying and failing. (L M Montgomery)

  • Clare - Thank you so much for starting my day with some more wonderful pictures of Mull. I am getting more envious by the minute! I have almost always seen dippers at the road up into the hills opposite Aros Park - but glad you saw even the flash of one. If I knew how to PM you I would be very interested to know the name of the B and B in Dervaig - I am hoping to get to Mull next April and am looking to stay somewhere different from my usual area. Dervaig would be perfect.

    Lindy - It's definitely not sunny here. Very autumnal and a real misty moisty morning.

    Diane - The 'chicken church' has gone straight into next week's church news sheet! Apparently some of their congregation are not amused ... but I think it's great! Not sure what our very modern architecture would be called - and I certainly shouldn't speculate!

    AQ - Do hope the dolphin gets back to sea safely. They are such fun to watch,
  • Hello all
    Thank you for pics and posts, I haven't yet looked at your photos, CLARE, but intend to do so later today.
    OG - not like you to lose your appetite, first time in all the years that you've said that... you have indeed had a rough time recently. I remember that you used to like lamb tagine, roast pork with apple sauce was a favourite as well.
  • I've now posted Part Three of our Mull adventure - click on this gleaming beauty to see more:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.