Five Days on Mull - Part Three

Our third full day on Mull started a little gloomily.  We'd booked a boat trip to go out and see the white-tailed eagles but we'd been called the previous day with the news of its cancellation, due to the high winds forecast.  Naturally I was gutted so I suggested to Limpy that we head to Fionnphort on the far south-western tip of the island to see what we could see on the way.  We hadn't got far before Limpy spied a kestrel, which always requires a photographic stop:

Beautiful.  Further along the road we had another of those obliging buzzards:

Mull is an amazing place for buzzards.  It felt like we were seeing them every five minutes.

This one seemed to be taking us in very thoroughly.

No prizes for guessing what we saw in Fionnphort:

That whining sound is something that every herring gull parent must come to dread.

This adult certainly has that 'oh no, not again' look on its face.

I was pleased to see a number of corvids about:

Our smallest crow is a very attractive one.

This jackdaw was happily looking down on the world.

I was delighted to see this rook.  The light was bright enough to show its gloriously shining feathers.

Just beautiful.

Whoops ........ got a bit carried away again.

After a nice hot cuppa in the caff we started making our way back towards Craignure, where we'd planned to eat that evening.  I decided to take the scenic route past Loch Beg and Loch na Keal, which turned out to be the best thing I could have done.  We made the turning to take us past Loch Beg and we soon saw some birders by the side of the road.  On asking them what they'd seen we parked up and soon saw it for ourselves:

A female hen harrier!!!!!!  WOOOOOOO ............ HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

This was one of the birds I most wanted to see while on Mull.  To have it just flying past us was magical.

Well, that made our day.  We didn't see the male bird but we were still on top of the world.

Eventually we continued on our way to Craignure.  We eventually had to stop again when we saw these two on the rocks:

More shags.  By this stage of the holiday I'd got used to seeing them everywhere.

Lovely looking bird.

Right, that's a good place to finish Part Three - Part Four to follow soon.  (Part Two is here).

Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.