Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 September 2021


The Harvest Moon turns full Monday night/Tuesday morning (depending on your location). The equinox is Wednesday for most of us.

(Sorry, AQ, I didn't work out when you will experience all these events. It's sweltering hot here tonight, and my brain isn't working. LOL!!!)

  • I'm back as of yesterday, whew. After driving through a rainstorm, I showered, poured myself a scotch and collapsed into bed! Feeling more myself today.

    So great to hear from both Clare and Lindy on their respective vacations. I can smell the dog's seaweed smell! Especially appreciated the description of the Canary Islands, its volcanoes and the fact that the name was derived from the native dogs! All sounds intriguing though I cannot speak Spanish.

    Happy to hear that everyone is still in one piece themselves, and coping with the trials, tribulations and joys of the daily life. I find it pushes us forward, and though we may not remember much of the details, we do remember those who accompanied us on the way through.

    AQ, this is one I am trying to remember for myself!
    Never miss a good chance to shut up. (Will Rogers)

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • Eau de seaweed........She must smell lovely!!!
  • Lindy, CC, Cicero was obviously not acquainted with chocolate.
  • Morning all:

    AQ;  What do you mean?  "Surely not coping with visiting relatives."   Coping with visiting relatives is a fulltime job at my house.  :-)

    CC:  Welcome home - again.  Tx for the Monarch info. Next time I come across a chrysalis and have my magnifying glass handy, I'll know what to look for.

    Lindybird:  Those must be the same road improvements we have here.  Totally messing up traffic on a main route into and through town for the next two years, at which point the 'improved' part will likely be filled up immediately...

    Went for a long(ish) walk with daughter's dog last evening.  She's a mid-sized dog and was taken home directly from the shelter where she was born. She was apparently the runt of the litter (or so the story goes)  She's used to running around on two acres and being around horses, a very assertive goat, plus fussy chickens, but seems scared silly of other dogs. Even tiny ones.  It's embarrasing.   I gather it started (again, as the story goes) when she was taken as a puppy over to granddaughter's ex-partner's house where they had two huge, noisy but affectionate dogs and one of them came bounding over to say Hallo....   Seems like she needs some gradual socialization....   Still, she'll be heading home tomorrow, so not much I can do here.

    OK, must hose down and get ready for the day.  Some errands with daughter and then discussion about her return trip to AZ...

    Take care all

  • I've been stuck in front of the television all afternoon and evening watching the Ryder Cup. What a beautiful setting! I learned about the Great Lakes at school but had no idea how 'great' they really are. The course, Whistling Straits, is on Lake Michigan which I have just learned is three hundred miles long and a hundred miles wide in places. It certainly doesn't look like a lake ... Stunningly beautiful scenery, particularly this morning as the sun rose; Play starts at lunchtime in the UK, which is great. But of course it goes on until very late - whether I'll make it I'm not sure.

    I'm now on Day Five of my horrible cold. I was told it was a five-day cold and I hope that's correct - I've had enough of it! A lot better today, just the odd coughing fit and sneezing. Beginning to consider quite seriously rejoining the human race very soon. A weekend in front of the golf will hopefully see me fully recovered. Had a Zoom meeting with four or five other people last night and one of the others had a similar cold - so the meeting was punctuated by sneezes and coughs from both of us!

    Lindy - hope you are enjoying your time in Wales, and that the weather is good.

    Annette - hope you are enjoying your visitors.
  • Sorry you've been suffering, Pat. If its any consolation (which I doubt) I've heard only today about two other people who've been struggling with awful colds. They don't know each other, either.

    I read that there are a lot of bad colds about and it's because we've been wearing masks and avoiding each other, which means that we go down like a ton of bricks when we do get an infection.
  • A beach view today. We are enjoying fairly warm weather and its been dry, although showers are predicted for the weekend. We are prepared for whatever weather and are happy just to be away in beautiful scenery.

  • Pat O: I live less than 3 hours from the Indiana shore of Lake Michigan. The Indiana Dunes National Park is lovely, with 350 species of birds. To the park's south is beautiful restored prairie with wild bison. 

    However, my favorite of the great lakes is Lake Superior. The Upper Peninsula of Michigan is one of the most glorious places in the world, in my opinion. It's breathtaking and magical. The Upper Peninsula is bounded by Lake Superior to the north and flanked by Lake Huron and Lake Michigan along much of its south. Lake Superior is awe-inspiring with frequent displays of the Aurora Borealis. It's surrounded by wild, unspoiled forest. If I had the money right now, that's where I would vacation this autumn. Heck, if I had the money, I'd very seriously consider moving there. 

    Check out this PHOTO GALLERY and you'll see what I mean. 

    I'm sending you healing, and I hope you feel much better by tomorrow.

  • Hi all, just been catching up on all your news. OH got the date mixed up re nurse visit so is to go next week. Hopefully we will find out what or why he is so tired all the time.

    PatO - sorry to hear you've had a stinker of a cold , do hope it is on its way out and that you will be feeling much better.

    Lindybird - see you are out and about in Wales again.

    OG - pleased to hear you are feeling better and that you are getting around the house. Glad to hear J is OK and the exercise will do him some good, no doubt.. Musn't forget EagleEye who looks after your needs and seems to be a great strength to you.

    Clare and Limpy - hope you enjoy your trip round Mull.

    Have a good weekend all.
  • OG – I hope you were able to be out & about in your new car seat

    PAT – I wish you a speedy recovery. In Aussieland if we have any symptoms, we must get tested for covid; the serious nose & throat jab, not the rapid test. We don’t hear details of UK restrictions. Do you have to do same if you get a cold? One tries hard not to sneeze or cough when around people.

    ANNETTE – We may lock up incoming travellers but we treat them in 5 or 4½ star hotels. Hey, can I claim to be a relie and stay with you. . . no, on second thoughts I don’t want to visit your country. . .

    LYNETTE – Hope you OH gets good news re tiredness. Maybe depression?

    LINDA – Your beach view - lovely dark clouds with blue sky just over the mountains. Very photogenic.