WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY AUGUST 22, 2021

Hallo all.  Just back to hotel from day with friend.

Rosy:  Sounds like an exciting day for the 12-iyear-old.

I'll be here for another night, then heading hom early Monday.....

Have a good Sunday everyone.

  • Pat, I sympathise with you on the not liking to drive too far in one go idea -- I find that although I feel just as competent now, I do nevertheless get very weary after the first 100 miles. Its partly because the roads are so very congested now, and you can't let yourself lapse in concentration for even a second, there is so much going on. I hope you can manage your marathon journey alright, when it comes.
  • Lindybird said:
    I watched the Tebay programmes with interest. We discovered the unusual place when it had not long been opened, many years ago. For those who don't know it, and our friends not in UK, it is a family run business rather than a chain, and it's ethic has always been to serve locally grown fruit, veg, and even meats! You can get lunch or go into the excellent shop to buy top quality food. All at a price, of course!

    I've read about Tebay but it's too far south for us to pass through it on our way to Scotland.  We tend to do the A14 - A1 - A66 - M6 route.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • The roads tire Limpy very quickly.  I'm very lucky as I love to drive but congestion (and idiots) will still have me cursing.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I enjoy driving, and have rarely had a problem covering very long distances in a day. But as I get less young, and the roads get more congested ... I suppose I'm more cautious than I used to be. The thought of 250 miles in a day is fine - but it's the second 250 miles the next day I'm concerned about! For those driving from the south overnight (which I have done many times in the past), Tebay has very good areas where you can pull in and sleep in the car for a couple of hours so you can enjoy the wonders of the spectacular scenery over Shap as dawn arrives. And I also need to remember the emotional drain of the reason I am having to go to Scotland in the first place, and the fact that I need to be the best I can be for the service, and for the following day when I hope to go to my friend's former church where she was organist for many years, and where I have worshipped many times over the years.

    Clare - Mull ... my spiritual home! My friend who died introduced me thirty years ago (her family had a house on the island) and I have returned almost every year ever since, in every month, season and weather. You will enjoy it! Unfortunately I won't be able to get there this year, but hoping to spend a couple of weeks next year catching up with places and people I haven't seen since 2018 - far too long ago!
  • Morning all:   Sounds like some of us are facing various family-related challenges.  Hope things settle down and become more predictable for everyone.  Kids in our area went back to school last week, the university starts in-person classes third week in September or thereabouts, so we'll see what happens.  We're all having to wear masks inside again, but that's okay although I was just getting used to not wearing one. If it weren't for all those unvaccinated twits.....

    LINDYBIRD:  That must be hard for your OH to have such a family tradition of hospitality.  I'm not sure we need to struggle with our parents' expectations, but we do....   Hope things get sorted with your brother....   sounds sticky.  :-(

    Thanks for nice videos and links...   :-)

  • Don't know how I came out with Amaryliss for the blue flowers- they are Aliums, of course! Members of the onion family- if you've ever grown onions and let them flower, their white flowers are very similar. Ive been too tired lately to think straight.

    Had a phone conversation with a doctor and tried to explain myself and my health problems to someone I don't know, who doesn't know me either, and who was obviously keen to tick a box and say she'd given me advice then gone on to the next patient. She wants me to have more blood tests in about a month, so the saga continues. I must stop using Ibuprofen for my arthritis symptoms and use paracetamol instead. I seem to be a little anaemic but I've alway had that tendency so I'm not worried ( and I'm not going to eat liver, either!!)

    It was sunny enough for us to sit out in the garden today, and Sue came around to chat and catch up on gossip. She was sympathetic also, about my family problem, as she has had similar events in her own family. Ho hum.

    I loved the farmers tribute to his mother, with the sheep. Its now doing the rounds on the Web.

  • Hello all again. Reading in the papers and listening to the news I have come to the conclusion that, and also as some are saying, is, that we have to learn to live with the virus. It is not going to go away and who knows there could be other viruses lurking in the background. So folks, take that leap of faith with sensibility and live as normally as you can. Embrace life , its too short.

    Lindybird - hope Cousin situation will resolve itselve for you and OH and that your brother's problem can be overcome too. Think kind thoughts to see you through.

    Pat O. - If you need 2 stops why not try the Nova Hotels, basic but clean and not expensive. We stayed over in Worsley in June as brother couldn't put us up yet in the family home as he only has minimal furniture since the cottage has been renovated.
  • HeatherB - my new gardner charges £18 an hour , which means for 2 hours I am paying less than what I was paying my previous one an hour which was £40 to cut the grass and strim. Anything else required extra payment.
    I'[m lucky to have found him, or should I say my daughter found him on a local site. Already I have had 2 hrs work done and its beginning to look a lot better. Once its all done and hedges and trees are trimmed it should be easier to maintain perhaps fortnightly'3 weekly..

    OG - good to see that you are getting better rest now.
  • Lindybird - you remind me of a text I received from my doctors - do I want to lose weight and eat a little more healthily. Afraid I'm set in my ways and enjoy a tipple and chocolate to boot as well as trying to eat reasonable sensible. No liver for me either. Talking of Arthritis, my right knee is beginning to be painful again so towards the end of September I am going to try and book in for another cortizone injection. I was told to wait 3 months before I could possible have a second one. Hopefully I can keep going with injections but may in the end have to have a replacement?? Hope they sort you our.

    Been in touch with my brother and he now has a date for his op - to remove a growth from his tum.
  • I’ve been feeling a bit off this week, not sure if something I ate, or fed-up-ness with covid, or perhaps the dreaded dentist appt this morn. 2 fillings, one to repair broken tooth. Dentist should have no trouble feeding his family this week!