WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY AUGUST 22, 2021

Hallo all.  Just back to hotel from day with friend.

Rosy:  Sounds like an exciting day for the 12-iyear-old.

I'll be here for another night, then heading hom early Monday.....

Have a good Sunday everyone.

  • Ah, you can tell I’m not a cricket follower!

    I’m late on here today. My mouse is sick. I returned from shopping to find extremely slow internet. Much later when internet ceased, I complained & discovered OH had tried one of his drawer-fuls of mouses (mice?). Some muttering, fiddling, eventually internet restored. . . and he doesn’t know why. A loose connection or two perhaps? Now it is too late, it’s time to get tea.

  • Just a thought

    Things are never quite as scary when you've got a best friend. (Bill Waterson)

  • The Scottish police have never worn helmets so when my Mum moved from England she didn't recognise the guys who wore the flat caps as being policemen! I think it is nice that Thames valley can chose between wearing the helmet or flat cap, though may be a little confusing for those who want to ask for directions!!
  • This is Benson being cuddled by my friends daughter.  He made himself at home as you can see. Apparently when my friends husband was working in the garden he had Benson constantly at his heels.

  • @ AQ
    not sure if you enjoy these wonderful Birds, ( they are a bit like 'Marmite or Vegimite )
    as the fastest Bird on earth to me they are amazing.



    Edit apologies to Alan as he posted original tweet on Sheffield Peregrines.


  • As long as you can still sing! Which some of today's aged performers seem to forget is a requirement. Was squirming with embarrassment at Paul McCartney when he sang at the 2012 Olympics. I'm a big fan of him and his work, but oh dear! Who told him he sounded OK?

    I think Tom Jones is one of the few who can still sound as strong and on note, out of the aged performers left now.
  • SunnyKate -- gorgeous birds, I love all the predators! What does that say about me, LOL!!
  • Lindybird said:
    SunnyKate -- gorgeous birds, I love all the predators! What does that say about me, LOL!!

    CHOL:)   Like me,I suspect.

    we appreciate them all, amazing being able to watch and enjoy,so many species ,they all have to survive, and feed their young.


  • Dibnlib -- A really lovely picture of Benson. He is a handsome chap. How kind of your friends to take care of him for you.

    It's brightened up a bit, here. A strange August we're having. My OH went into town on errands, and I set to, to clean bathrooms and sinks. Whilst I worked, I wondered who would offer to put up Awful Cousin if she appeared again. Last time, she stayed with my OHs cousin who lives in a very out of the way village, so she was stuck except when her hosts offered to take her to visit others.
  • AQ --

    The Mouse

    I sit upon the desk, alone.
    Not as important as the phone,
    Nor even noticed, except when I'm gone!

    For now and then, I do creep away
    No one has caught me, right up to today.
    Sometimes, you need a holiday...

    Lately, though, I've been depressed
    It seems that even I get stressed
    By things which are not in my control.

    There are things wrong in the world today -
    For me, the solutions are hard to say
    Except that love should come into play.

    I sit here, just a little mouse
    With neither child nor loving spouse
    I contemplate the world and how, it's become even sadder, now.

    But for all that, there is always good:
    My owner uses me and would,
    I'm sure converse with me if she knew how (though its too late to teach her, now!)

    I felt quite poorly, the other day
    What it was that ailed, I couldn't say -
    Perhaps my mind came into play.

    My mistress missed me, and I found
    I soon began to gain some ground.
    To feel that life was after all, worth my being here at all.

    So, upon her desk I neatly sit.
    Sometimes, I tend to moan a bit
    But mostly, gaily, 'cross the desk, I flit.