Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 4 July 2021


The Moon turns new on July 9 or July 10 (depending on your location).

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

I'll be back tomorrow to make some replies. 

  • HEATHER: I'm so sorry about your son's condition. I hope the healing speeds up and he can beat the diabetes.
  • Good Morning. That's interesting about the cicadas, Diane. Never thought but in those numbers, they must enrich the soil.

    A bit grey here today and much rain forecast: we will sally forth in the car and may go out for lunch. It was good to see our young visitors as had not seen them since they attended our Eldests wedding- they live and work in London.

    Sad that our young hopeful had to go out through illness in the tennis last night, but it did seem a ridiculously late time to start a match and maybe her nerves got the better of her.
  • Just a thought

    The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom. (Isaac Asimov)

  • Thanks for kind wishes for my son. I hope that he will heal soon. Diabetics heal so slowly. He is aware that it is self inflicted but it can't be easy for him to turn things around. My granddaughter Amy has had Type 1 diabetes since she was a young child and no chance of reversing it, of course.
    LINDY - my sympathies regarding the chatty neighbours. Next time, pretend to be asleep....
  • Finally, this is Loch Dunure, in Faskally Woods.  They hold "The Enchanted Forest" here in October but it is was cancelled last year and already cancelled for October this year.  Such a shame as it is a very popular event.

  • Another warm day of sunshine and showers!

    DIANE - it's always good to read about sybiotic relationships between species.

    LINDA - glad you enjoyed the family visit. We hadn't heard about Tennis Wondergirl having to wait for another year - sure she'll make it one day!

    AQ - love the Asimov quote! You sound tired - I hope you are okay.

    DIBNLIB - a very restful photo. Our hairdresser has been up for the Enchanted Forest a few times with her boy - unlikely they would have booked this year as baby is due in October!

    Sudden action re potential work for J - all fingers crossed here!
  • I am sure there will be lots of fingers crossed for J.
  • Hallo: Was watching Wimbledon this morning; now got Italy vs Spain game on in between rushing out to do quick tidy up of bits of garden

    Heather: Diabetes a worry when it comes to sores not healing. Do hope your son takes heed...

    OG: Very frustrating re kitchen delays. Good Lord. Remodels are difficult enough without that kind of hang up. Fingers crossed J will find a position that will suit him.

    Have read all your news and apologies for no individual responses. Playing catch up on multiple levels!
  • Never mind, Annette.

    OG - Fingers crossed here, too!

    Heather - I hope your son can stick it out on his diet and lose some weight. Also that he can heal well and his leg recovers.

    A very mixed day for weather here again. Packing up now for our return. I'm unaccountably tired this week and partly blame the weather, as I don't like it when it chops and changes.
  • Some crocosmia we planted here a couple of years ago, which are now looking colourful.

    (Edit: had to chop the edges off this to get it to post)