Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 4 July 2021


The Moon turns new on July 9 or July 10 (depending on your location).

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

I'll be back tomorrow to make some replies. 

  • Good Morning. Looks sunny here today - well, at the moment anyway.

    Annette, I saw some of the Federer match and it was sad to see him go out. Nice that the crowd gave him a big ovation as he left the court.

    We have made an appointment with the vet for this afternoon, as we are worried that Bonnie's foot doesn't seem to be clearing up.

  • Just a thought

    With the new day comes new strengths and new thoughts. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

  • Unknown said:
    Yay! England into the EURO finals

    Yay, indeed!  Poor old Limpy didn't think England would even get out of the group stage.

    Unknown said:
    I made the mistake of reading the ingredients on the Fat-Free Half-and-Half: Skimmed milk and some weird corn derivative. I've got the real stuff for tomorrow's coffee.

    I still add whole milk to my morning tea - it contains less than 4% fat so there are far worse things I could be consuming.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Hello all
    Well, I seem to have lost my brain somewhere! Not sure where but haven't been far from home so maybe somebody will find it and return it...
    I've read all your posts but most of them have disappeared from my memory bank. Thank you anyway !
  • Hey, folks. 

    I have a lot going on -- way too much -- so I'm not going to be on this site for a little while. I always enjoy starting the new thread, but for the next couple of weeks, I'll be grateful to let Annette or anyone else start it. 

    I'm not angry at anyone. I just have a very elderly relative who is critically ill, and I'm going to need to visit her and be available. I'm also going to be in Indianapolis dog-sitting for friends. (One of the dogs is sick.)  Not sure yet how I'm going to be in two places at once. Sigh... I also have a bunch of bureaucracy (making calls, submitting forms, etc.) to take care of some of my own personal stuff. I'm just feeling very, very overwhelmed. 

    Everyone take care of yourselves and stay safe. I'll check back in here soon. Best to you all.

  • Best wishes, DIANE -
    Sorry for my flippant post. It was after I'd spoken with one of my children and couldn't remember what I'd been told during a previous chat... You seem to have real worries and a lot on your plate. 

  • DIANE Remember to take care of yourself as well everyone else, be they 2 legged or 4. Sorry to hear about your relative.

    LINDY Do hope you get some help at the vet this afternoon. Don't like to think of you or Bonnie suffering.
  • Oh, no worries, Heather. Your post made me smile. I'm not upset with anyone here. It's my in-person life that's a wreck. :-)
  • Diane, thanks for letting us know in advance, so we don't worry about your absence. I do hope all goes well for both you and your relative, and of course the poor doggy Dog2 too. A lot for you to think about and organise.

    Heather, I know what you mean, it's as if our aged brains can't take in more than one or two things at once. I forget what I have said to who (whom?) quite often. EDIT: now looking back, I see you forgot what you'd been told, which is also difficult!

  • My poor OH has had his hands full -- he went to golf this morning, and is off picking peas just now before going to pick up his new reading specs Eyeglasses. Then it's off to the Vets with the dog.

    After being out this morning, he went to the chemists and collected a self testing kit for the virus. I didn't say, but I have been feeling rough with various mixed symptoms and began to worry as we are going to visit our Youngest and family on Saturday. Obviously not a good idea if you're not well, at the moment. Anyway, I did the test (ugh!) at lunchtime and it's come out negative. I'll just go back to eating plain food and sleeping a lot....