Link to June 2021

History of Ospreys at Loch of the Lowes

Webcam page with links to LotL Visitor Centre and Wildlife Reserve FB, Twitter and Blogs >>>


All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes


Arrival dates: Laddie - 21st March  NC0 - 25th March

Three eggs laid: Egg #1 - 11.4.21  Egg #2 - 14.4.21  Egg #3 - 17.4.21

Hatch dates: Chick #1 - 18.5.21 (37 days)  Chick #2 - 20.5.21 (36 days)  Chick #3 - 22.5.21 (35 days)

25.5.21 - Third chick passed away Broken heart

22.6.21 - Chicks ringed: #1 - LR1 (female)  #2 - LR2 (male) 

26.6.21 - NC0 catches a fish

Ringing Blog >>> Meet our newly ringed osprey chicks - LR1 and LR2

PT4(19) arrives back in the UK: Blog by Joanna Dailey >>> An important visitor - Kielder Ospreys

9.7.21 - LR1 fledged at 52 days old, 17:01 >>> First Osprey Chick LR1 Fledges

Blog >>> We have lift off

12.7.21 - LR2 fledged at 53 days old, c17:40 Blog: LR2 fledges


From little 'fluff balls' to almost fully grown ospreys, LR1 and LR2 are doing amazingly well all thanks to the fantastic ongoing care from NC0 and Laddie (LM12). Not only have we seen Laddie providing fish for his family but NC0 has been successful several times just recently as well - what first-class parents they are! There continues to be the occasional intrusion from ospreys passing through, however, the nest and chicks have been protected outstandingly. We look forward to the next exciting phase in the young ospreys' development.

  • There have been three fish deliveries since my last post - 2 by NC0 and one from Laddie 
    20:52ish NC0 dived from the birch. She delivered to the nest where LR2 was already waiting

    LR2 protected his fish and warned NC0 by attempting to peck her

    NC0 took that as her cue to leave. She headed to, and landed on, her branch on the birch

    21:00ish Another one from NC0, once again, a dive from the birch. LR2 was still on the nest having just finished his meal

    LR1 flew onto the nest - NC0 fed both

    LR2 left the nest when the feed was over

    LR1 and NC0 left the nest with NC0 heading directly to her birch branch
    21:15 A headless fish from Laddie

    LR1 came to retrieve the fish from NC0

    21:30ish LR1 flew off with the remainder of her fish

    NC0 did come back to the nest around 21:35 and checked the nest for small pieces of dropped fish.

    She left and headed back to the birch


  • 22:16 Fish calling LR2 came to the nest for a few minutes (had a quick rest too) before heading off again

    At time of writing, NC0, LR1 and LR2 appear to be on their separate branches of the birch


  • 18 July - First landing (I think)... just a happy young Osprey on the nest for a couple of minutes, plus a flyby:

  • LR2 is tucking into a large lump of fish. Haven't found out when it was delivered but it seems huge.

    Copyright SWT/LOL

  • Seems to have been delivered around 0700. LR1 was absent but came rushing back.
    Earlier she had flown off towards the dead trees but seemed to go in to the tree line lower down.
  • Morning Mike and Scylla,

    Laddie delivered another fish just before 8:00, NC0 and LR1 went to claim it - LR1 was the victor

    8:05 LR2 was still tucking into his breakfish but NC0 had an eye on it

    NC0 took his fish


  • NC0 alone on the nest One of the LRs chatting in the background
  • Laddie spent just over 15 minutes on the nest with NC0 from 8:50ish

    He found what appeared to be a small piece of discarded fish skin that LR1 must have left from her breakfish

    NC0 still had the end of LR2's fish, Laddie did make an attempt to take it from her but she told him not to! lol

    NC0 flew off with the remainder of the fish, she landed on the birch

    He left at around 9:07. It has been ENS since then


  • 10:27ish Unseen intruder. Laddie to the nest chipping/mantling, NC0 could be heard alarm calling

    He stayed for about a minute


  • 13:20 There has been a lot of wonderful aeriel/diving activity over by the birch area for the past 10+ minutes.

    I think (not overly confident) it was LR1 who landed on the perch (13:08ish) then, after leaving, headed over there...'she' made two splashdowns prior to both youngsters/NC0, having their fun! Great to scroll back to watch! 

    Dive #1


    There was another dive at 13:16

    Then two were seen flying around

    There were three Ospreys in the air shortly after ^ but I couldn't get a clear capture. Snaps are just an example of the exciting activity at the time.

    I'm sure visitors at LotL would have been thrilled to witness that!
