Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 June 2021


Everyone have a serene and joyful week! 

  • Oh, Clare! Take me with you. I've always wanted to see seals in the wild. I hope you have a wonderful trip and the weather is kind to you. Glad to hear that Limpy's driving now.

  • Unknown said:
    Take me with you. I've always wanted to see seals in the wild.

    I'd love to, but getting here could be entertaining for you.  Hope fully we'll get lots of photos and we'll post them on here.

    Limpy is over the moon to have such a chunk of his independence back.  Obviously he will have to surrender his licence at some point as his Parkinson's progresses but he's nowhere near that point yet.  It is doing his confidence the world of good to be back behind the wheel.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Diane: Would be easier for you to hop in your car and drive to California. We have lots of seals here.
  • Good evening. Think I missed yesterday - was in the garden working in the afternoon - but have decided sad to say "No more!" - it gets too painful. So today I just sat out and watched the lawn sprinkler! All our lawns seem to have sunburn here.

    J had a quiet birthday, but ended with a game of Trivial Pursuit. No strategy involved so much less demanding than Carcasson or Monopoloy. He went for his blood test this afternoon, and on both days has walked a bit - via coffee shops.,

    Our Mice have reappeared - no clue where they have been, and only seen two so far this week. Young Starlings have got past the squawking stage and have been very entertaining trying to fit five or six into a small bowl of water - trouble is, they splash it around and we have to keep filling it.

    Dared to phone Kitchen company - no sign of the injured joiner getting back to work, so they are hiring! Might get somebody very new, but OH will be prepared to tell him what to do.

    Love the kitchen already, even without floor and walls done - all so neat and uncluttered. Been racing a friend having hers done too - think she will win but I prefer mine.
  • Nice that you're enjoying your kitchen already, OG. Fingers crossed that it will be completed soon.

    I'm a New Woman! Went to get my hair cut this afternoon. Decided in the end to try a hairdresser who does my sis in law Sue's hair, and also does someone else I know. She works from home, so her husband has built a very nice mini salon at the rear of their house.

    I wondered how it would be, but it was fine: a very chatty lady, who is very competent and skilled. She gave me a nice chin length bob in place of my foot long ponytail!!
  • A new poppy has opened in the garden! 2nd picture is close up detail of this gorgeously coloured beauty!

  • That us giood news about Limpy, Clare. Hopefully with giving his confidence a boost it will surpress the Parkinson's for a while so that you can all benefit with visits to the nature reserves you love.

    Been overcast fir the last few days with a hint of sun late afternoon. They reckon its going to be a cooler summer with mini heatwaves July and Aug, thankfully not like Canada basking at 41 degrees and people dropping like flies becuase its so hot.

    See that Murray has won through. Left OH to watch it in conservatory whilst dau and I watched other programmes.

    OG - hope your kitchen people manage to send someone to finish off then it should look even better than it does now.

    Lindybird - poppy just gorgeous and what a colour.
  • ANNETTE: My old car would give up the ghost and die on some lonely road out west. That heat is monstrous. It was 116F (46.7C) in Portland.
  • DIANE – Too bad our borders are closed or you could come & see our “Australian sea lions” at Point Labbatt near Streaky Bay on Eyre Peninsula. View from platform on 50 metre cliff.

  • OG – Watching the sprinkler sprinkle is surely a vital necessity to keep the world going.

    LINDA – Will we recognize you now? LOL

    ANNETTE - No more walks for me – I got enough exercise trying to find items in supermarket being renovated. We have Chinese Elms here, often as street trees. Some people protest about their large roots and, oh dear, they drop stuff and are messy.

    My food expedition yesterday was fairly crowded and I was surprised to see many wearing masks. Unknown to me, early morning social media speculation had expected a lockdown. A miner returned from NT, infected his family with covid. Now family have been moved to a medi-hotel and our Premier declared a lockdown not necessary as they had minimal contact with anyone else. However I shall avoid going out where there are people unless we need fresh food (next week). Drat, I had a library visit planned. Yes, toilet paper is disappearing off shelves again!