Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 23 May 2021

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  • Hi all, first time on this week. Hope all OK with everyone.

    We seem to have had one or two losses of osplets this year but the weather has certainly not been kind so far. Let's hope it picks up soon and that the remaining chicks all round will come through and fledge successfully.

    Saw son properly for the first time in ages yesterday. His OH is still wary of meeting folks as she is still suffering from Long Covid. They are off to Bristol on Thursday to see her dau as its mum's birthday. Out for a meal for her birthday on the Friday at the hotel where they were married and then away at a friends for the weekend. At least she is making an effort to mix now.
  • Housework can’t kill you, but why take the chance? (Phyllis Diller)

    I have too much imagination to be a housewife. (Marilyn Monroe)

    Home is where you go when you’re tired of being polite to people.

  • Good Morning. Looks a bit brighter today, and warmer temps predicted in the UK as from tomorrow.

    Lynette, glad you finally got to see your son. Hope his OH recovers from her bad experience of the long covid, she sounds to have been unlucky.

    A busy day here today doing this & that.
  • Just geraniums, but pretty.

  • Another azalea opening. It's only small but very colourful.

  • Here's a good live stream of the total lunar eclipse right now from Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles. EDIT: THIS is a better live stream. It's from Hawaii. 

    Good morning, everyone. 

    Heather: I hope your day will be better. 

  • Just past 7 pm. The moon has appeared over the crab apple . About 10 mins to start of eclipse. I shall spend the evening popping in and out in TV adverts.
  • AQ: I liked your quotes above! Enjoy the eclipse.
  • Had a good sleep and woke up more alert this morning so will try to say more today in replies.

    LINDY – so is the new dog to be called Toffee definitely? I thought Leo because in photos he seems to have a mane like a lion. That “half-smile” picture of Rosie is beautiful.

    AQ – our regular congregation should be between 40 and 60, but during restrictions we can only have twenty properly distanced, so it is necessary to book places. Everyone is elderly, so we are all being very careful – and our numbers will be down now having lost 9 people (but only one of them to Covid). The latest relaxation of rules did nothing for churches here in Scotland. Good to see you have had some rain – long may it continue. You can have some of ours – we would be happy to give it away now! Still appreciating your daily thoughts – agree with recent ones re housework!

    LINDA – lovely Irises photo. And poor Bonnie! She really does look sorry for herself. Pleased to see later that the meds seem to be working for her. I hope she will feel well enough for her usual fun with Amber! Thanks for todays flower photos too.

    DIBNLIB – thanks for location of the campus. Doubt we shall get to Inverness this year – may be best to wait until the masses rediscover Europe!

    HEATHER – sorry you are having a difficult time – I hope things proceed more smoothly until your Daughter is safely in her new home.

    LYNETTE – your DiL seems to be planning a busy few days – I hope she won’t find it all too exhausting.

    Sent E-E to town for a few messages – neither of us having a busy day.
  • Morning all:  

    Diane: Thanks for the eclipse link.  I missed it.  We had high clouds that rolled in during the evening; gone now of course.

    AQ:  LOVE those sayings.

    Windows done yesterday and now it's almost magical they're so clean.  The young guy and his buddy who did them mentioned that he'd heard that in England, window cleaning is done on a regular basis and I remember that from when I was growing up.  Here, where things are much dustier and there's far less rain, we wait until it occurs to us that we can't see out the windows!  :-)

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