Link to April 2021

History of Ospreys at Lowes >>>


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All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes


Arrival dates:   Laddie - 21st March   NC0 - 25th March

Three eggs laid:

11.4.21 (10:18) -  NC0 lays an egg

14.4.21 (08:04) -  NC0 lays her second egg

17.4.21 (07:41) -  NC0 lays her third egg

Hatch dates

Chick #1 - 18.5.21 (37 days) Early hours The first chick has hatched at Loch of the Lowes 

Chick #2 - 20.5.21 (36 days) 1:16am The second chick has hatched at Loch of the Lowes

Chick #3 - 22.5.21 (35 days) The third chick has hatched at Loch of the Lowes

25.5.21 - Chick 3 passed away Broken heart  Sad news about our third chick


Absolutely delighted to have watched three precious eggs being laid. Laddie and NC0 have perfected their incubation duties and, through trying times during April, defended them and the nest from multiple intruding Ospreys.  Hopefully, it will not be too long until we see three chicks being cared for by their super parents.

  • Thanks Sandra for the link.

    Such a relief and hopefully quieter times ahead!

  • scylla said:

    I fear it wasn't Laddie, but you'll know better:


    It states in the blog that Laddie made an appearance on the nest at 4:40. Pic taken from Scylla's vid (page 1 of this thread) showing the back of the Osprey's head.

    I didn't think it looked like Laddie's trademark Spanish dancer and also that it mantled while there


  • Karen W said:

    Thanks Sandra for the link.

    Such a relief and hopefully quieter times ahead!

    A pleasure, Karen.
    I do hope so, I don't think I could go through all that angst again!
  • Sandra P said:
    It states in the blog that Laddie made an appearance on the nest at 4:40. Pic taken from Scylla's vid (page 1 of this thread) showing the back of the Osprey's head.

    I didn't think it looked anything like him, Sandra, and feared it was the male intruder - he had that lean 'n hungry look Anguished

    That was some fish, in the end!  But not long before he came, NC0 flew out and picked up a small stick from the water's surface and brought it back to the nest - was she doing a pretend fishing trip to drop a big hint?  If so, it didn't take too long* to work Smile

    *Naturally I've forgotten the length of time between her getting the stick and him bringing the fish.

    Time for a nap.

  • Oh what a relief to see Laddie incubating Somebody needs to talk with him sternly before we all have heart attacks What a day with the devastating news from Brenig and the beginning of the month ills of the forum A quiet evening for all and quieter days for NC0 and LaddienShehas certainly proved herself
  • I don't know, we get so much angst following and watching these various nest. But it's worth the highs!
    Brenig was beyond the pale, and on top of last year too.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Many thanks, Scylla, for all your videos today. How you managed to capture yesterday's intrusions at various times during the afternoon was nothing short of amazing! Thumbsup

    19:38 Laddie continues to incubate and it appears that NC0 could still be on the birch (top of the left branch)


  • I'm so glad things seem to have returned to normal here, and thanks everyone for your updates. Every year, these birds and nests continue to try us, the highs and lows. Today hasn't been a good day although it's ended well here. But things can turn on a sixpence as we know, so everything crossed.
  • Good to see Laddie back and incubating. Sweet change over NCO came back and chirped and Laddie flew of .. think he is sitting in tree, top left nr to where he was earlier