Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 April 2021

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  • Grandma always made you feel she had been waiting to see just you all day and now the day was complete. (Marcy DeMaree)

    Grandma knows everything, if she doesn’t know, she makes stuff up really fast.

    A parent is someone who carries pictures where their money used to be.

  • AQ; Gosh, these guys really know how to mess up our brilliant ideas. My favorite is the first saying. :-)

    Much too warm for this time of year. I'm hoping we'll still get our May Gray and June
  • Lindybird said:
    The Awful Cousin is daughter of my OH's uncle. She is about 83 now and we are hoping will be too old by the time the virus has stopped disrupting things, to come here ever again. What a shame!!!!!

    Keeping everything crossed for you and your family!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Unknown said:
    Much too warm for this time of year.

    Ah, so that's where our Spring has gone.  Limpy and I went out birding yesterday and I found myself needing woolly hat and gloves!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning. Sun is trying to break through a grey sky here but no signs yet of more warmth- it's said to be colder than average for this time of year.

    Back to doing battle with bringing new tablet up to speed on my needs. Expecting delivery of a case for it today, plus a giant bag of bird seed as the garden birds are eating me out of food fast.
  • How to solve a problem. At a Brisbane housing complex, when disabled people complained that abled people were using the designated disabled parking spaces, the authorities removed the spaces because they” discriminated against able-bodied people”. The matter is under review. Really?
  • aquilareen said:
    How to solve a problem. At a Brisbane housing complex, when disabled people complained that abled people were using the designated disabled parking spaces, the authorities removed the spaces because they” discriminated against able-bodied people”. The matter is under review. Really?

    Jesus Christ.  Words fail me!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • They need to get someone to write to the authorities, complaining that red haired people need parking spaces, and also do they realise that they have discriminated against all those young people who don't have a car.... Oh, and by the way, where can I put my camel when I am in town - there is no provision....
  • AQ:   That's political correctness gone completely mad.   Just as a matter of interest, what was the general reaction to the decision?   I say tow the cars of the non-disabled people using the disabled parking places, throw away the keys and then smack the owners with a massive fine. Meanwhile in California, fines for parking in a handicapped (that's what they call it here) zone depend on the circumstances. It can be treated as an infraction or a misdemeanor. An infraction brings a fine ranging from $250 to $1,000. If you don't pay that or don't show up in court to explain yourself, it goes on your record and your license may be suspended and you'll be slapped with additional fines. A misdemeanor carries the same fine with the possibility of six months in jail. I think we should bring back the stocks for these entitled morons. Actually, I think the stocks might be a good deterrent for a lot of anti-social behavior. But nobody asked me. :-)

  • My sister is a wheelchair user. When she and her husband go to the supermarket almost always the 'disabled' bays are full with cars not showing a disabled sticker. So because the normal bays are too narrow to open the door wide enough for her to get out and into her wheelchair, she can't go into the shop. How do able-bodied people think that's fair???
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