Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 April 2021


The moon turns full at:

4:31 a.m. on Tuesday, 27 April in the U.K.
8:31 p.m. on Monday, 26 April in California
1:01 p.m. on Tuesday, 27 April in Adelaide, Australia
10:31 p.m. on Monday, 26 April in Iowa (for bjane). 

This "supermoon" will be closer to Earth than any of the other full moons this year, except for the May moon (which will be only 98 miles closer). So, this one should be beautiful!

I hope you all have a wonderful, safe week.

  • Update: Disabled carparks reinstated. Removal was due to “miscommunication”. “Original signage had only been removed in order to be replaced with different signage”. Yeah, right, did I see some pink pigs flying past. . .
  • Good Morning. Bright out the window and I've got lots of laundry ready to put out. Life is exciting....

    Sue has a man coming to put up CCTV cameras & my OH is fuming that it's an expensive waste of money. Ho hum.

    AQ - I always put my camel in the Camel Park, like everyone else....
  • AQ/Lindy - You mean there are no camel hitching posts outside your pubs???
  • Well, it must be the week for nasty people. Middle daughter has had a very unpleasant experience with one of her fellow workers. He has a reputation for being bad tempered and there have been a lot of complaints about his behaviour from both teachers and ancillary staff. To no effect, it would seem. Yesterday he came into daughter's area and started shouting etc, very threatening attitude. No witnesses ( naturally ). Daughter was in a terrible state and phoned her immediate boss. Let us hope that something will be done, this time.
  • Heather B said:
    Well, it must be the week for nasty people. Middle daughter has had a very unpleasant experience with one of her fellow workers. He has a reputation for being bad tempered and there have been a lot of complaints about his behaviour from both teachers and ancillary staff. To no effect, it would seem. Yesterday he came into daughter's area and started shouting etc, very threatening attitude. No witnesses ( naturally ). Daughter was in a terrible state and phoned her immediate boss. Let us hope that something will be done, this time.

    There shouldn't be any place for people like this in a workplace - especially a school.  I'll confess I would have been at least as nasty back as I've got no time for such people - and all too frequently they revel in other people's fear.  Let's hope he gets dealt with appropriately.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Heather - That's horrible. Bullying like that is always totally unacceptable. I hope your daughter has reported the incident, and that some action will be taken. If there have been previous occasions he should be removed. Hope your daughter is feeling OK today, and is getting support from her work colleagues.
  • Didn't get here yesterday - too much going on. Car is a step nearer - and I have its reg number. After tea, kitchen fitter came (by appt) to look at the job. He seems mostly happy about it - but went away with two questions for designer. He is an older man (looks in his 60's) and is definitely of the old dchool "measure twice and cut once", as my Grandad used to say. He won't be arriving horribly early in the mornings which sounds good to me.

    Plenty still to do but getting there! OH will shop this afternoon, also will post our election votes - 17 parties in the regional list, only four for constituency choice. J hasn't heard from any Universal Credit or Health Agency bods since the day he was "moved to a different district.". He seems a lot calmer again now.

    Lunch nearly ready - must go.
  • Pat, you're right, it is bullying. How awful for your daughter to have to put up with it, Heather.

    Hope the school take action.
  • HEATHER - I meant to ask whether middle daughter has made any progress on the housing front?