Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 April 2021

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  • Thank you all for your concern: I did wonder about mentioning all the sorry story on here. Sue has four beautiful grandchildren, now growing into confident and clever young ladies, and this woman is obviously jealous as she has not seen any of hers for some years. Sue's family are rallying round with lots of support of course, and a cousin came to see her yesterday for a long gossip, so she never spends a day alone.

    I went to sleep after sitting down after lunch: I slept for an hour, then woke up and looked at the clock, then slept for another half hour! Wonderful to see how well our vaccinations are going in this country. Today even offering them to over 42 year olds in England & I think 45 year olds in Scotland. Those responsible for rolling all this out should get medals later!
  • Lindybird said:
    Sue did have the papers relating to Boris, and also had not only registered him with her usual vet, but had paid for some treatment there. So to all intents & purposes he is her dog. However, it would take too long to explain here, but the woman has threatened Sue

    It sounds like she should be calling the police.  This is an unacceptable situation and she shouldn't have to put up with threats - or the loss of what was her dog.  This neighbour sounds like she shouldn't be allowed to have any dogs at all.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Managed an hour with my new tablet this morning, which involved using the swearywords I reserve for technology. I had to install several things including one of my emails, and they all wanted passwords. Even though I keep a record of passwords, I had in one case to resort to inventing a new one, then writing to myself, then replying to a text message on my phone, etc etc. Very tiresome.

    Needless to say, this Site has proved to be the most difficult and remains one which I could not install except for reading what's been posted. It will not let me post and won't accept me. There is a new person helping out at Loch Garten this season, for instance, & it won't let me send a welcome message. I'm writing this on my phone which is very laborious.
  • Clare - The Police have already been informed of threatening behaviour.
  • Like it OG, the hair story.. Our rubbish is taken away on a rota basis. Usually recycled 2 a month, non recyclable and garden waste about once a month with the food waste every week. Works ok for us.

    Just broken into my easter eggs and am scoffing one whilst writing now. Naughty but nice.

    Talking of prescription paying, once I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid and prescribed I don't have to pay - which I thought was for that medication only but it applies to all medication. Must have been on it now for at least 10 years. Dau was also diagnosed with same as me and now gets all her prescriptions free.

    Friend has just been for her 4th out of 6 chemo session today and on her birthday, poor love. Can't even have anyone with her yet due to Covid.

    OG - just seen further down re J's Universal Credit whoha - soneone needs to get their act in order re communication.
  • Lindybird - Do hope your friend can get past the abuse she has been given re the dog and put it behind her. At least she has you as a faithful friend.. Let's hope the dog saga clears up. I remember you saying that this other woman already had one dog so what is she carping on about particularly as it was noted they use to fight each other so I understood.

    Yes, great news about the vacinations, definitely light at the end of the tunnel now.
  • Good Morning. We've had some welcome rain which the garden certainly needs, and of course the farmers crops which we can see from our house and are gamely trying to grow without any moisture up to now.
  • LINDA – Sadly there is nothing Sue could do but return her dog. But I wonder what the woman will do next.

    CLARE – Someone somewhere is getting paid to oversee your extravagant 5p increase! Aussie pensions are tied to “Consumer Price Index”, so they go up & down.

    OG –My radiation clinic kept sending me text reminders days after my appointments. I’m not sure how they obtained my number; I had told them my mobile was not working, please use landline.

    A lovely meal out – I didn’t have to prepare or clean up. It was just the schnitzel house nearby. Not very crowded, tables well spaced, I think we now have 1 per 2 sq m rule. First, one chooses chicken, veal, pork, fish or veggie. Then choose the sauce. All served with fries & a teeny tiny cole slaw. Oh dear, choice of five - this is all too much for OH who went to gourmet section and chose a schnitz with cheese & bacon &??. Yes, but which of the five, chicken, veal, etc do you want? “Don’t know”. He decided grumpily on chicken. He ate all & appeared to enjoy it. I had the basic pork schnitz, delicious but enough to feed me for 3 days. OH has suggested we go out somewhere “posher” next week. Yep, I’m happy to oblige. But the problem remains that he can no longer make decisions.

  • Just a thought

    Daydream. Because you can’t accomplish what you’ve never fully imagined.

  • Good that you not only got out, but as you say, you didn't have to do any preparation nor cooking, AQ. Sorry your OH has become indecisive.

    We are all waiting for 17th May here, when England will allow eating out once again. It was said this morning that there are a lot of large areas in the UK which are now covid free, which is wonderful news.
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