Return Dates for Louis last year was 5th April 08.15 and Aila 6th of April 09.24

The happy couple last year - lets hope its not too long until we see them safely return from migration. 

LINK TO MARCH 2021 THREAD - where all links are to previous threads and history. 

  • Three little songbirds visited this afternoon, where's Scylla? More IDs needed!

    scylla                        25 Aug 2021 11:34 PM

    In reply to Geemeff:

    May I offer you the fruits of the expertise I acquired (mostly at Poole Harbour with the help of RICHARD) this season?

    It's a Coal Tit

    No need to thank me, GEEMEFF, I'm puffed up enough as it is 

  • Geemeff said:

    You She-Devil, you Imp 

    2 in one = Great Tit and Blue Tit (I could possibly recognise Blue Tit in mono, its little head has such distinctive markings):

    I gave up - if I put a description into Google it keeps giving me Blackcap.  The Coal Tit is the more obvious but it's the LBJ with distinctive (you'd think) markings that I cannot manage Thinking 

    I can't count the number of birds I've checked for it - but obviously not enough.  It reminded me of a Wren but I can't think why.

  • scylla said:

    2 in one = Great Tit and Blue Tit (I could possibly recognise Blue Tit in mono, its little head has such distinctive markings):

    I gave up - if I put a description into Google it keeps giving me Blackcap.  The Coal Tit is the more obvious but it's the LBJ with distinctive (you'd think) markings that I cannot manage  


    I can't count the number of birds I've checked for it - but obviously not enough.  It reminded me of a Wren but I can't think why.

    Thanks Scylla! Other people have also suggested wren for the LBJ, I googled wren and found there are several varieties so am still not sure. Hope Richard can ID it via your clever video clip, you got a nice crisp zoomed shot.

  • I think the light colour as a 'stripe' on its little head makes it either a gold crest - or fire crest but there is not enough detail to be sure.
  • Wow, what a video, every time you looked another bird appeared from somewhere. What a hectic 10 mins.

    Quickly looking through there were

    Coal Tit
    Great Tit
    Blue tit
    Tree Creeper ( bottom left hand corner 1737 and 35 secs )

    Richard B

  • Thank you to CIRRUS and RICHARD (I was beginning to worry that you were away, Richard).

    Among the birds I checked were Wren, Tree Creeper and Gold/Fire Crest - cross my heart.  I think I amalgamated 2 LBJs into one Stuck out tongue winking eye

  • I can't see a Gold/Fire Crest anywhere, and I've watched it 3 times now.

    The LBJ in the short video clip is a Wren followed by a Coal Tit.

    Richard B

  • Unknown said:
    I can't see a Gold/Fire Crest anywhere

    I'm not surprised, but this was a completely unfamiliar bird to me and I hoped I'd find there was a possibility of hidden colour among the stripes but there wasn't so I dismissed it:

  • Unknown said:

    Wow, what a video, every time you looked another bird appeared from somewhere. What a hectic 10 mins.

    Quickly looking through there were

    Coal Tit
    Great Tit
    Blue tit
    Tree Creeper ( bottom left hand corner 1737 and 35 secs )

    Thanks Richard,

    I've updated the description and credited you with the ID.

  • Apparently that was Incy Wincy causing the chaos with the nest cam yesterday:

    WT George Anderson  to Geemeff • 

    It looks like a very substantial spider web confused the autofocus just as it was getting light. The camera went through a period of repeated refocussing until finding its bearings again once it became lighter.