Poole Harbour Osprey Project 2021 Season

As it's nearly that time I suppose it's time to start a new Thread for the Upcoming season.

For 2020 thread click HERE

Richard B

  • 02 June

    Not a domestically blissful start to the day - with - with 022 withholding fish from CJ7:


  • scylla said:
    022 withholding fish from CJ7:

    Fish then nookie. He's reading the manual backwards, and then not properly

  • She got the fish in the end - but it was only a tailend by that time, she nibbled it on the nest:

    A bit later, a failed mating attempt:

    They flew but were back a time or two, last seen @ 10:52... session ended 14:10.


  • Successful mating:

    She flew, he pottered 'n pranced, flew.  Back later, last seen 19:21 flying up to campost.


  • Finishing off 02 June - someone landed on the campost @ 22:22 and stayed for one hour almost to the second:

    This site went unresponsive +/- 04:30.


  • CJ7 stars on BBC South Today evening news 3rd June!

  • Great, thank you for posting, GEEMEFF!  Hugging

    It helps to make up for my YouTube download (and upload!) disasters all day, and I'm not going to angst over it now (did enough of that all day)...

    022 was on the nest for 15-20 minutes in the evening:

    And spidey was busy tonight, s/he's a bit easier to capture than our Nightjar:

    It seems to be back to normal now.


  • 04 June

    022 was on the nest looking alert and cheerful 3 times from 05:02 to 07:10:

    A minute after he flew off to our left,CJ7 landed with a very short gnarly stick:

    She tiidied sticks for 2 minutes and flew, returned @ 07:30 with a slightly longer stick:

    Oh it turned out to be about 18 inches long when she sorted.  She had a litte preen at the front of the nest, then up to campost:

    I don't think anyone's been back since.


  • scylla said:

    Great, thank you for posting, GEEMEFF! 

    It helps to make up for my YouTube download (and upload!) disasters all day, and I'm not going to angst over it now (did enough of that all day)...

    022 was on the nest for 15-20 minutes in the evening:

    And spidey was busy tonight, s/he's a bit easier to capture than our Nightjar:

    It seems to be back to normal now.

    Sorry to hear that Scylla, technology's wonderful until it plays up then it's worse than not having it at all.

    Sadly a spider's the only thing visiting Loch Arkaig lately, at least there's action on other nests to keep us going. Thanks for all your videos and updates, really don't know how you keep up with it all..

  • With the obvious reduction of chicks on monitored nests this year, and the total failure of some others, it will be interesting to see if this years planned translocation goes ahead.
    It was cancelled last year due to major problems with the Scottish nests.

    Richard B