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  • Putting 'puter to bed for the night. Thank you for hugs, thoughts, prayers, scarlet bird, etc. I'll have them to cheer me if feeling yuk.
  • AQ thinking of you.
  • BREAKING NEWS in case someone hasn't seen it. The COVID-19 vaccine developed by Moderna was tested in a large clinical trial with 95% efficacy. Plus, this vaccine doesn't require the super cold temp storage that the Pfizer vaccine needs. It must be a legit announcement, because the U.S. stock market is up 528 points in premarket trading and is surging. Here's the BBC article

  • Hello from me – on Monday. Thanks for the start, ANNETTE, although I got very lost about what day that was – there must have been a Saturday in there somewhere! Anyway, I have decided I can’t go right back to last week, so am starting with Sunday’s posts to make a few replies.

    AQ – sorry the pageant was disappointing. Very early for Christmas, I thought. Fire danger with a tropical splash? Oh dear. Sorry to read about Covid in your state, but so pleased your hospital is not affected! Prayers, thoughts and {{hugs}} (but the latter not too tight!)

    PAT – sorry to see your long walk will be curtailed by mud – it was a very muddy weekend here – although most rain fell in the darker hours. Our Elders are zooming this afternoon, but I don’t think anything will have changed for us. Almost forgotten what Sunday used to be like.

    HEATHER – I was so relieved to get your good news on Friday! Hope you had a good weekend.

    LINDA – it wasn’t a particularly busy weekend, mostly sorting little things and tidying ideas – and trying to get some Suggestions turned into Decisions! We have been signed up with Patient Access for some time – still fine for ordering prescriptions, but can no longer book appointments, since covid that now has to be done through a second system! I did see the discussions about Kindness Day, and liked your poem!

    ANNETTE – sounds as if you found your friend’s visit relaxing – good for you.

    DIANE – good news re second vaccine – I suppose it will be pot luck as to who gets what, depending on what each country is paying into.

    J’s car is due back after lunch. Placed a Morrison’s order this morning – for next week. Had hoped to do one for December, but not yet available. M&S say they have released more bookable dates to shop, but December has still not appeared. No real news from us, still taking life in the slow lane. R.
  • OG - I think we are all in the slow lane now. Glad things are going reasonably well for you at the moment.

    Heather, I was also relieved at your news. I hope you can have more peace of mind now.

    I think I have missed AQ by now, but wishing that all goes well for her. Best thoughts on their way.

    Hello to everyone else, and thanks for news.

    My OH is recovering slowly from the op. Many kind neighbours have offered to shop for me, but I like to get out, if only for a quick dash! At least I know there is always someone around. That is one advantage of living in a flat.
  • Ready early, waiting for taxi. Thank you for more hugs & thoughts. OG - it is traditional in Adelaide for FC to arrive in town on 2nd Sat in November.
  • Gosh, didn't expect to hear from you again for a while, AQ - and now I presume you're gone. Do hope all goes to plan.

    I remember in the past we've been quite surprised at how early F. Christmas arrives in Australia!

    Rosy, nice to hear from you, too, and to hear that your OH is recovering. Hope he continues to make progress, even if it's slow.

    OG - Good that J's car is (hopefully) sorted. I wanted to book ahead for an M&S delivery, but it's blocked, as you say.
  • I got everything out of my biggest kitchen cupboard - it's where I keep all of the casserole dishes, pie dishes, serving pots, spare plates, kitchen scales, etc. There was an awful lot of stuff which I distributed around the room, trying to discard things as I went. Then I cleaned the cupboard, left it to dry, and put a few things aside to wash as they looked dusty. Then I had some explaining to do, as only about 3 months ago I bought a new waffle iron - but right at the back of the cupboard, hidden by some plastic containers, I had found our original one (I thought I must have given it away, when I couldn't find it at the time.... )

    Worse than that, after I had put out a small pile of defunct plates to go to charity, and thrown others in the bin, I fought everything back into the cupboard and felt the glow of satisfaction you have when all looks tidy and neat. But then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw the big cardboard box I had put to one side, full of plastic containers etc which used to be mixed up with my china & pots on the shelves...... (It's a very big box!!)


  • Evening all: Friend left fairly early. I went off to Tai Chi at the YMCA and en route home heard that California Governor Newsom had decided to reimpose stricter Covid rules that will mean only outside activities will be allowed in gyms (Tai Chi is held outside), but other businesses will be affected, depending..... One of our neighbors is a nurse and she says there are only two Covid cases in our local hospital, but the trend is heading in the wrong direction and with two big holidays looming, Newsom is being super cautious.

    Won't make individual responses coz am tired but have caught up.

    Good news that the SpaceX flight to the ISS arrived there safely.

    Take care everyone and let's hope we hear good news from AQ soon.

  • Good Morning. Up early here as I'm off to nearby town to get my eyes tested this morning. Don't know how they'll be as it's a full 3 years since I last went. I was putting off getting them tested when I received the usual reminder after 2 years, then the lockdown began in March.....

    Thinking of AQ and hoping all going well and she is home soon.
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