WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY OCTOBER 4, 2020

Hallo all.   Don't fail to check back and see Lindybird's lovely pix of Anglesey.

Rosy:  That's a tough one; maybe suggest she not commit to do all the work until the leaves and rubbish are gone and she can see what she's up against.....  Good luck.

Wrote my last batch of letters to prospective voters - this time in Kansas.  Have been following the headlines, but as usual with this White House, it's impossible to know what's what.a

It's my daughter's 60th today.  We tend to celebrate both sides of birthdays, so she's been the recipient of several days of treats, flowers, gifts with more to come (most noticeably the recliner which has yet to arrive).  I was really hoping to be there for her birthday but the new windows were scheduled to be installed in the AZ house this coming week so we decided I'd come early for them.  But now they've been delayed a week thanks to Covid (we hope that's all!) so I'm now planning to go a week later. 

Take care everyone.

  • Lovely pics, OG. The nerines look good in front of the blue shed. Not seen a wren for ages in our garden. Did notice two wagtails in the road this morning, drinking from a puddle!!

    Extra precautions now to be applicable in Scotland, I hear. I suppose it will be like this for quite a long while, with things changing weekly.

  • LYNETTE – sorry about the vertigo – glad you have a med handy.

    AQ – hope you had a lovely Wednesday and a gap in the rain for some outside play!

    CLARE – two sad deaths in the world of entertainment today.

    LINDA – tomorrow is second birthday of Great-Grandson – haven’t seen him and big sister since summer of 2019!

    HEATHER – saw Katie’s success on Facebook – our younger Granddaughter’s Driving School also published hers on FB a few years ago – I assume they ask permission!

    Well, OH’s cowboy took eight months not to do the window repair, phoned alternative yesterday and he came today, took away the offending bits of wood, replaced some but treated them all, came back with filler and pins and  ..hey presto … job done!  Now we need a painter …

    OH went to Annan and Dumfries this afternoon as we had set up a list of messages – all successfully completed.

    Here are some older flower photos:

    Only the light coloured ones were out in early September - and not a good photo - but shows how many weeks they keep blooming.

    Kaffir Lilies - 9th September and still blooming.

    Late September.

    Primrose in autumn - did it last year too, as well as in spring!

    Chocolate Cosmos.

    Photos by E-E!

  • Thanks, LINDA - we always forget to down/up load our photos - not like when we go on holiday and do them every evening. Yes changes here again - not making any difference to our quiet life, and I still don't think Nicola has gone far enough, but I have a feeling Boris might have to bring in more UK guidance in a week or two.
  • Lindybird said:
    We are losing a lot of the old greats: we also lost the "I Can See Clearly Now" singer, I see.

    Johnny Nash.  Good song - there've been a few covers of that, not surprisingly.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • LINDA – Hugging little ones is so special and you never get back those cute activities. {{{HUGS}}}.

    HEATHER – Congrats to your g-dau. We can’t wait for them to get their licence so mum’s taxi can rest, then we worry when they are out.

    OG - Thank you for pics. I must add nerines to my garden shopping list.

    Visit went well, lunch devoured (sorry OG, not a morsel of hot puppy left), MissJ tried an egg sandwich (I had not held back on the curry!). Lots of play, toybox emptied. Recently OH found a forgotten old catalogue of Doulton “ladies” and as we have a few (our own & those inherited from OH’s parents), I asked the Trio, in turn, to find the matching ones. It may generate an interest in that “old stuff” or test their observation skills. Stories of their swimming skills and karate (twins have had 1 lesson). Rain eased to spitting and we inspected the crabapple to find deep pink buds, pale pink petals, and look, that’s where the petals have fallen off. Next time maybe fruit to show. Well trained they pack the mess back into toybox, more hugs (no kisses) and depart. Miss9 was excited to open her parcel and kept one book to read in car on way home. It showed in pics & words, huts by a stream becoming a village, a town, a city with cutaways of the buildings. Passing through time, included was a page on the plague which was “like covid”, says I.

    We get a free mammogram every 2 years, but they only send reminders for 50-74 year olds. Alas I now have to remind myself. As my appt is just before lunch, I am meeting Chauffeur Friend for lunch at a bakery nearby. I have not seen her since our July picnic in park.

  • Don’t hoard! Even Noah only took two of each.

    I always liked the story of Noah's Ark and the idea of starting anew by rescuing the things you like and leaving the rest behind. (Zach Braff)

    Dear Noah. We could have sworn you said the ark wasn’t leaving until five. Sincerely, the Unicorns.

    Dear Mermaids. We would have told you about the time change for the Ark’s departure, but we missed the memo too. Love, The Unicorns

  • AQ;  Sounds like a lovely day; hope you aren't too tired as a result.   I have a card (assume it's for a belated birthday) that shows two dinosaurs on the beach with Noah's Ark sailing over the horizon and one dino saying to the other, "Oh crap, was that today?"  

    OG:  Love the chocolate cosmos.  

    Bookcase arrived yesterday.  I like the color, the wood, but oh my, I think the casters would better suit a piece of industrial equipment.  Customer service called me back at 7 a.m. this morning and asked me to send photos; they're speculating that 'they' sent the wrong ones.  Putting on the casters is the first step in the assembly, so we're on hold (but so what else is new?) with planks of wood propped up around the walls.  Meanwhile, books are piled up around the fireplace.

    Take care everyone.


  • Good morning, all. Had a nice afternoon at Minsmere yesterday and now have more than 400 photos to go through. I could well be posting a new thread this afternoon!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning. Drizzle here, but should dry up soon.

    Annette, love the idea that the dinosaurs also literally 'missed the boat'. Hope you can get some sense out of the bookcase suppliers, and finish your project.

    AQ - Your family visit sounds delightful. Bet you both needed a long sit down afterwards.

    We are trying to arrange a visit to our Youngest and family - it's little Matthews 6th birthday soon but it's midweek so will probably see them on nearest weekend, with presents. Then more decisions about Tomasz's birthday and Christmas which is approaching fast. Yesterday I dug out some t shirts I had bought for the children which they may grow into now, so decisions about whether to add them as extra b'day presents or keep until the festive season.
  • Cool here today, sunshine and showers this afternoon.
    ANNETTE - I hope that some smaller casters arrive! And then the fun starts.
    LINDY - I do understand your sadness about not seeing your dear grandchildren as often as you would like. You have been a part of their lives since they were born. I would love to see more of Sam, Millie and Bella but have never been able to as they live hundreds of miles away. Actually, I've only seen my son during holidays since he left home at 18 to join the Air Force. Thirty five years ago....
    AQ - on that theme, it sounds as if you gave your girls a lovely day! I bet you were tired after all that!
    OG- Hope that J continues to feel better. I'm not entirely sure about all these rules and regs. Until a vaccine is produced, goodness knows. Just buying time, can understand that. Traders near my son's shop are still struggling. One lady with an ' interiors ' shop only took £35 the other day. It's heartbreaking when they and those like them have worked so hard to build a business.
    Online shops and supermarkets will survive , no doubt.