WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY OCTOBER 4, 2020

Hallo all.   Don't fail to check back and see Lindybird's lovely pix of Anglesey.

Rosy:  That's a tough one; maybe suggest she not commit to do all the work until the leaves and rubbish are gone and she can see what she's up against.....  Good luck.

Wrote my last batch of letters to prospective voters - this time in Kansas.  Have been following the headlines, but as usual with this White House, it's impossible to know what's what.a

It's my daughter's 60th today.  We tend to celebrate both sides of birthdays, so she's been the recipient of several days of treats, flowers, gifts with more to come (most noticeably the recliner which has yet to arrive).  I was really hoping to be there for her birthday but the new windows were scheduled to be installed in the AZ house this coming week so we decided I'd come early for them.  But now they've been delayed a week thanks to Covid (we hope that's all!) so I'm now planning to go a week later. 

Take care everyone.

  • All ready for The Visit, time to sit for an hour. I wonder what I forget? Luckily they are easy-going. Raining so no visit to nearby playground. Perhaps a garden inspection & some nature study.
  • Just a thought

    Don’t quit yet, the worst moments are usually followed by the most beautiful silver linings. You have to stay strong, remember to keep your head up and remain hopeful.

  • Hope things went well, AQ. Lovely for you to see them all.

    Lynette, sorry you had vertigo, not very pleasant. Good that the meds work. Sadly, Manchester is now the worst place in the country for infections. Makes you wonder when people will learn what the rules are and what are the consequences of ignoring it.

    It's dry here at last, after days of rain. Will get more out on the line - it means I've become obsessed with laundry lately, LOL!!

    The bears were on the TV this morning, catching fish. Great to see them getting coverage!
  • How sad. The great Eddie Van Halen has died, at only 65 years old. RIP.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Sad, Clare. We are losing a lot of the old greats: we also lost the "I Can See Clearly Now" singer, I see.

    My d. in law sent photos of our dear little granddaughter Rosie, and I wept. She is growing daily of course at only just over a year old. We are missing all those lovely baby moments.
  • LINDY - I know how you feel x I don't see my son and family more than twice a year, but not this year...
    Just heard from granddaughter Katie, she passed her driving test this morning first attempt. It seems only yesterday that she was reading the newspaper to her grandad (she was 2, and holding it upside down)

  • Morning all:  

    Clare:  Arghh re Eddie Van Halen - another of our old favorites biting the dust.  I saw a birthday card the other day while I was waiting in line at the hardware store: Something to the effect of, 'Thank heaven we still have the Rolling Stones, but then they're all older than us,' and I thought, But not by much!  

    Lindybird:  Oh dear, I can imagine how you felt seeing Rosie's photo.  Hugs from here.

    Heather:  Twice a year isn't enough even without Covid.   Good for Katie re the driving test, but now her parents will have to endure the next worrisome phase.  

    Off to see what the Gold-Crested Cuckoo is up to this morning....

  • Good to read all the news.

    HEATHER Well done to Katie.
  • Down (or is it Up?) loading photos I have remembered how we wasted an hour or more of yesterday morning. Watching this little star as he took food to various corners of the garden, and even up to the roof so he could observe a crowd of Sparrows and navigate the best way through them back onto the feeder!

    Help yourself!

    In the Birch Tree

    Also these Nerines in front of the shed.:


    The Coal Tit was not the only less usual visitor - we also saw Bluetit and (at last) the Wren

  • Well done to Katie. She must be thrilled, Heather.

    Thank you for all the hugs. It just cuts me up that we're losing some precious days, however lucky we know we are in many other respects.