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All captures and videos ©Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife

Blogs and videos to the season so far:

Mrs G returned 21st March, 10:36 > mrs-g-returns

Aran returned 3rd April, 12:08 > aran-returns

First egg laid 13th April, 12:08 > mrs-g-lays-first-egg-of-2020

Second egg laid 16th April, 18:17 > mrs-g-lays-second-egg-of-2020

Third egg laid 19th April, 19:01 > mrs-g-lays-3rd-egg-2020

First hatch 20th May, 10:52 > first-2020-chick-hatches

Second hatch 21st May, 17:59 > second-glaslyn-chick-of-2020-hatches

Third hatch 24th May, 12:52 > third-chick-hatches-on-glaslyn-nest

Chicks ringed 24th June > glaslyn-chicks-are-ringed

KC2 fledged 9th July, 14:48 aged 50 days > kc2-has-fledged

KC3 fledged 14th July, 9:36 aged 54 days > kc3-fledges

KC4 fledged 19th July, 18:44 aged 56 days > kc4-fledges


The three juveniles are thriving under Mrs G and Aran's continued care, proving once again what formidable parents they are. Long may the season continue to be be hassle-free as it nears the time for migration

  • No more activity last night.  No rain.

    10 August

    Aran with breakfish, KC3 was waiting for it:

    Aran was replaced by an unknown juve:

    It turned out to be KC2, KC3 has the fish on the left, they both flew by 06:53:

    KC2 got a small headless fish - at least, the blurred shot in the air made it look headless, it was certainly quite small and it was certainly KC2:

    No further action up to now.


  • What is growing on this tree?  Parasitic like witch's broom?  Or just live shoots on an otherwise dead tree?

    KC4 flying in with a clump afoot:

    She pranced and danced and flew off:

    Then KC2 landed, only rear end viewable, and Aran brought a FISH:

    KC2 has the fish and KC4 and MrsG have arrived, with Aran still on the nest:

    KC4 stole the fish Open mouthOpen mouthOpen mouth  She's feisty!

    KC2 snuggled up to Aran for sympathy but he was on the alert:

    Gradually they all were... What's the fish, BTW?

    All the family (minus KC3) now on alert.  I just thought to check Chat, Heather only mentions "intruder", no-one specified.

    Aran flew, KC4 did some eating, MrsG some waiting, and after some waiting KC2 flew.

    KC2 bounced between nest and perch, then suddenly KC3 flew in and stole the fish in a trice!

    KC3 mantling over stolen fish:

    Then KC2 stole it from KC3:

    KC3 re-stole it from KC2 !!!  (I'm sayiing to myself "keep going... just keep going..." but it's HOT here.)

    KC2 looked to us for support:

    Look at MrsG, poised !!!  But she relented and KC3 got on with eating:

    12:48 KC2 flew, then a Raven suddenly shot in from the left, lord knows what it was after:

    It kept popping up around the nest, lol:

    KC3 has had the Raven attacking on one side with MrsG threatening to steal on the other:

    The Raven kept up the pestering for many minutes, and after it had gone MrsG made a serious attempt at the fish but KC3 flapped her away:

    She thought about it and came around to the front to approach him from the rear, but nothing worked so she ended up flying off @ 13:21, leaviing KC3 at the mercy of the returned Raven - KC3 was leaping around with his fish avoiding the menace.  It started raining.


    Presently KC3 has both sibs in threatening positions Blush

    And I'm off for a meal break.


  • KC4 got her own small fish, with KC2 shooting in hopefully:

    Another toe job:

    14:01 KC3 having flown off leaving half a fish on the nest, the blasted Raven nicked it while the 2 remainers were distracted!  (Heather did a sky search but I couldn't glean anything.)  And see?  KC2's crop is quite hollow Cry  She dashed across to get it back but far too late:

    Intrusions still:

    Poor KC2, no peace, she flew @ 14:05:

    KC4 finished eating and flew gratefully.

    Victors by 14:30:

    ENS for peaceful while, then KC2 landed @ 15:32 and got rewarded eventually with a flapping FISH !!! which we can't see but I can't stress over it:

    After a while she flattened but she's up now, motionless apart from an opening and closing beak ;)

    I'm packing up for a while.


  • KC2 flew off with her fish @ 15:48.

    ENS until KC4 got a FISH from Aran @ 17:36:


    KC3 arrived 17:51 - unluckily for him KC4 finished eating her fish entirely and flew.  KC3 had a sit-down until KC4 flew in @ 18:12 and they both looked as tho someone unwelcome was near, and they both flew:

    19:10 and KC3 and KC4 were back on the nest, I could almost post the same sna but here's a new one with timeline so you know I'm not fibbing ;)

    KC3 popped to the perch but only stayed a few mo's, I've tried to demistify it:

    They both flew off but were soon back on the nest together... KC4 standing and KC3 sitting... KC4 flew @ 19:51 and KC3 2 minutes later...

    While we were looking at sheep KC4 returned, then KC3 (they're giving me a right run-around!)...  There must be a fish out there somewhere.

    KC3 flew and KC4 posed for a while:

    This might look cock-eyed, with body on right but none on left ???

    KC3 brought in a good stick, he's going to be a master nest-builder :-*   Or maybe he'll just bring in the materials for his missiz to sort out ;)

    KC3 sat down and KC4 started a bit of tightrope walking, then both got cross about something, with KC4 looking so appalled that Heather was moved to zoom in on her:

    She pranced around and flew off, leaving KC3 sitting again but he flew too @ 20:56, just before cam changeover to nightcam view.

    No-one seen since.

    Where's KC2, then?  She spends more time away from the nest than the others, IMO.


  • ENS and even on scroll back to nightcam there is nobody Not early riser then
  • I think you were too early even for the solitary Raven this morning, PATILY - it's been soooo quiet!

    But at 08:37 KC3 flew in, KC4 two minutes later, they were both gone by 09:48:

    Heather followed someone in the sky until the cam wouldn't go any higher:

    The sheep followed each other, like they do Blush

    I forgot to caption it "2x speed" but it's in the title.

    This morning's Redstart would not keep still!  Heather had to give up zooming in the end, and boy did she try?!

    KC2 turned up !!!  I'm still not convinced by her pronounced gender.

    It was misty phase but let's get some snaps of her while we can and I'll artificially clarify as best I can Relaxed

    KC3 joined her and they shouted at someone:

    KC4 arrived, so here's all 3 of them, "warts" and all Grin

    They all flew.

    Better have a short vid of that:

    Oh how I love all the Glaslyn trees!

    Distant Mistle Thrush - I went to Chat for this ID, must admit ;)

    12:18 the first FISH of the day - KC2 (she flew off a few seconds later but showed us her ring number first) got a small brown trout:

    Glaslyn birds, are you telling me I can move on at last? Heart eyes


  • It's been quite a busy afternoon, out of the corner of my eye - and I'm dreading trying to document it - so the following may be rather rudimentary.

    The Redstart was back but Heather studiously ignored it and I'm so grateful ;)

    KC3 arrived on the perch:

    He made some great expectant faces and flew to the nest, where he was joined by KC2 and it was the latter who got the FISH!

    There was no opportunity to capture the whole headless fish, KC2 flew at this instant:

    KC3 stood and sat and stood again and was joined by KC4:

    Oh that's why it's seemed so busy - KC3 and KC4 were on the nest pottering and waiting for ages, in the end KC3 chased a Raven from the perch... look at the time Open mouth he and KC4 had been on the nest all that time!

    He resumed the vigil with KC4:

    The dear babies wore themselves out waiting - there have been plenty of shouting intervals too:

    At last!

    Uh-oh!  KC4 got the foot but KC3 got the fish:

    Don't complain about the views - Heather and I are doing our best!

    This is daylight robbery right under our noses:

    KC4 flew off with the fish (I couldn't see it and thought she'd eaten it all but no, see later) @ 18:30, leaving dejected KC3 sitting waiting yet again:

    Later... KC4 returned with the fish and KC3 made a big, futile effort to get it off her - a shorty vid:

    KC3 is nodding off while KC4 smugly (I don't mean that :-* ) eats her fish:


  • 19;33 Sweetheart was allowed to take the tail with some flesh in it and he's managing to make a meal of it Kissing heart


  • 19:49 KC3 flew off, KC2 dropped in and out again, KC3 returned and LO !!!

    Someone came and watched from the perch for a short while, don't know which juvie that was.

    Now KC3 is at peace with his fish :-*

    Eww, this is a live snap that's caught his head-twist in a blur:


  • Getting rid of some entrail:

    Flying with fish:

    ENS since then.