Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 June 2020


I hope everyone has a healthy, safe, and happy week plus a wonderful July!!!

And somebody make it stop raining! I've had 5 inches of rain today. No kidding!

  • Lindybird:  What a saga.  You have to wonder how reputable is the shelter where Sue got Lulu.  And what will they tell other people who want to adopt her?  As others have suggested, Sue may want to try the RSPCA or similarly responsible shelter next time - and maybe even take someone else with her (not her son?) to avoid an 'impulse buy' so to speak.  Even well vetted animals may not be a good fit for some would-be owners.  

    dibnlib: That sounds like a perfect start to a day.  I hope you see more of them.

    I have nothing fun set for today.  Must take the extendable feather duster and the vacuum cleaner around the house to suck up a whole host of dust bunnies and cobwebs that have been lurking behind furniture, pictures and in every corner where we moved stuff to make way for the painters.   It's July 4 weekend (another potential super-spreader event!) but firework celebrations have been canceled and state beach parking lots sealed off until next week, although you can still go to the beach just as long as you don't stand still or sit!  LA and Ventura counties have closed all their beaches and Santa Barbara folks are worried about visitors clogging up city beaches here...  I see the state of Texas has finally - finally!! - mandated the wearing of masks - too little too late for some.  

    Off to chase bunnies....

  • Not a lot happening down here. Weather mixed with lots of cloud and some showers.

    We have learned that our holiday to Scotland in September is still going ahead but I suppose anything could change
    especially nearer the time. Just have to wait and see.

    Have a good weekend all. There will be light at the end of the tunnel.
  • LINDA – How horrible, for Sue, the children, the dogs, you, the whole family. I hope it doesn’t put her off having a dog for company.

    OH enjoyed his lunch at one of his favourite places. Apparently they have been open for 2 weeks – no mention on their website. Do they wonder why customers have not returned?

    Our neighbouring state continues to have 60-70 new cases of virus each day. It doesn’t seem much when I read that the US has that many every few minutes. We are concerned because other states here are almost covid-free. Our border with VIC is strictly guarded. Two VIC men tried to come across and were turned back, as they didn’t want to quarantine for 2 weeks. Later the police found them bogged on a back road (dirt or rather mud track). A $1,060 fine each and again given the option of quarantine or returning. They left.

  • Just a thought

    If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present. (Roy T Bennett)

  • Thank you everyone for your understanding. My OH came home, leaving his sister cleaning up all evidence of the dog and hoping for a better outcome another time. She really needs one for company.

    I asked him how things went, and he said that at the Dog Rescue, they commented that "Lulu had been aggressive before"...... I asked what kind of place it was and he said "falling down and very shabby" - we both think it's been run on a shoestring and although well meaning, they're not running it properly.
  • A Happy 4th July to all our USA friends and readers.
  • Evening all:   Well, the Santa Barbara county medical officer closed all beaches for the weekend to deter visiting folks from other counties.  Makes sense.   Meanwhile, I see Trump is off to trample all over Native American sensibilities at Mt. Rushmore this weekend with a (super-spreader) July 4 fireworks event.  The land was granted to the Sioux way back when but then Federal government grabbed it back after gold was discovered there  It's not just that, but the virus has taken a huge toll among Native Americans and there are serious concerns about fireworks causing wildfires in the surrounding forests. The man is a travesty of humanity.. Sorry, didn't mean to rant.  

    Lindybird: Thanks for the good wishes.  It's a very different holiday this year apart form the virus - lots of undercurrents....

    AQ;  Glad the two guys got fined - but what is "bogged"?

    Take care all.

  • ANNETTE - Their van got stuck in the muddy road. See here.

    They later claimed they were "sightseeing" the second time!!!!

  • AQ: Tx. I sort of figured that - but then thought it may be an Ozzie word for camping or something....
  • Annette and all: No closings in my community. The very large lake down the road from me about 15 or 20 minutes (managed by the state of Indiana and used for flood control and nature activities) is holding a big fireworks display tomorrow night. People will come from all around the state to attend and will be packed elbow-to-elbow on the beach. No masks or social distancing required. This super-spreader event will:

    * Inflate the state's already soaring Covid-19 numbers, and in my area our tiny, rural hospital has no capability or capacity for treating the critical symptoms of the virus.
    * Gin up nationalist fervor for the president.
    * Terrify all the wildlife in this forested area, during a time when they are raising young.

    No common sense at all.

    I signed three petitions to be submitted to the federal government and the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) in an effort to stop Trump's dangerous and hateful super-spreader event at Mt. Rushmore.

    I'm not in a good mood tonight. I hate July 4th. The noise over several days disturbs the wildlife, it traumatizes veterans with PTSD (which we have many in this area), and it gets on my nerves.

    I'm sorry you had such an awful time with the workman, Annette.