Poole Harbour Osprey Project MAY to end of 2020 season

/JULYLast month's thread.

ALL PICTURES AND VIDEOS: ©PooleHarbourOspreyProject

Beautiful female, Rutland's CJ7:

The hoped-for partner for CJ7, local male LS7, has not yet appeared.  CJ has been tending the nest daily and yesterday she took everyone by surprise, producing an egg - which took us by surprise by surviving... until midnight at least ;)

  • Cirrus, I do not actually know but was under the impression that the indignant comments were on YouTube, but they may have been here (too lazy to check and an awful memory here, sorry--certainly hope I did not make them but you never know--sorry Scylla if it was me!)

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Thanks, Richard, will have a read of that.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • 'course you didn't Gardenbirder !!
  • Unknown said:
    Here is the link to the article, it is worth a read

    Thank you, RICHARD, I shall read it with interest (altho it doesn't seem urgent, being merely a less authoritative version of your own advice Grin ) after lots of e-chores.

    "Indignant comments"

    They come with the territory.  An example - I uploaded a video from Starr Ranch, an Acorn Woodpecker raided a House Finch nest, took the finchlets and destroyed the nest in stages, so actually there were 2-3 videos.  Untypical behaviour but that particular nest had suffered the same fate two years before.  I knew that they were attracting a lot of comments, many from mindless twerps Angry   I now see that the first of the videos has 120 comments on it and has had 90,000 views Open mouth

    Lots of hate, one said "I found a wounded woodpecker and fed it to my 11" cane toad".

    This is the video: https://youtu.be/Xfp6LFPo-Og

    That was such a surprise, I've now forgotten if I was going to say something else...

  • The extent to which some people will go online, unfortunately, and say awful things which probably most would never dream of saying to anyone's face, regardless of how much they disagreed with or disapproved of them (although they might grumble among their friends), constantly astonishes me. I suppose the inventors of social media had the same naive view of humankind as I did (do?!), namely to believe that we would all use the internet and social media to increase our knowledge, to hear and support actual truths, and to learn about people different from ourselves, not to spread untruths, hatred, weird conspiracy theories--not to say scathing things about others! (An aside: there are definitely some positives about the distracting, side-tracking powers of the internet! Mr GB and I have just had a long discussion, including internet checks, about the uses of 'different from' and 'different to' and other variants, as well. Yes, I know--unimportant first-world issues. But that might not have happened even in much of the first-world before the virus!)

    Kind regards, Ann

  • ''suppose the inventors of social media had the same naive view of humankind as I did ''

    The inventors of social media are rabid Globalists with only malicious intent . The can't spell the word naive. IF they can they are intent on taking over the world.

    My comment has nothing to do with you Gardenbirder , please don't take offence.
  • Unknown said:
    the uses of 'different from' and 'different to'

    One of the signs of the deterioration in English teaching which took root many decades ago - as a mature student I experienced English teachers who didn't understand English Open mouth   So not:

    Unknown said:
    unimportant first-world issues

    to me!

    But what really irritates me is people whose English grammar and spelling is reprehensible but can do so much more useful and clever things than I can Confounded

    And I think there are some reprehensible examples in my own burbles there!

  • Oh ha, ha, you lot! And I thought the likes of Mr Zuckerberg were mainly interested in, initially, rating the relative attractiveness of women, and then, in making money! Just shows how wrong a person can be, I guess. Nah, Cirrus, not offended, but a bit puzzled. Must admit I have not researched it at all, sorry, so plead ignorance, but aside from the two things I list above, what are the malicious intents of social media folk? The globalisation you mentioned? World control? And/or? Seems any possible control went out the window with the surge of falsehoods now propagated every day everywhere by the hoi polloi, and just as bad, lies invented and spread by people in power. Help!
    Scylla, my English is often not up to snuff, sadly, though while I understand your feelings, and I myself am occasionally irritated by transgressions of the few principals I do know, I am afraid that I must insist that for me at least, when compared to murder, genocide, misogyny, conspiracy theory and falsehood spreading (see my remarks to Cirrus above), and pandemic, well, correct grammar and spelling fall down the list of sins and worries, sorry.

    Apologies to everyone for straying very far off the topic of Poole Harbour Ospreys, but these diversions are helping to keep me relatively sane under the current world conditions. When the Ospreys return, I promise to stick to the subject.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Unknown said:
    Apologies to everyone for straying very far off the topic of Poole Harbour Ospreys

    I was feeling guilty too, GARDENBIRDER, and thinking we might have got away with it more easily in the Forum Friends thread, but it's all over now Wink

    More work on the land maintenance today, and one fire is struggling on after hours of rain overnight:

  • There wont be any fires burning now, it was an extremely wet night and morning.

    Richard B