Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 16 February 2020


I hope you all have a wonderful week! I'm thinking of all of you in the monster Storm Dennis. I hope you all stay safe and secure! Take care, everyone.

  • HEATHER - you said "I've shed the tears, now we'll deal with what has to be dealt with". That is so you - I knew you would soon regain your usual strength!
  • I know you'll be alright, Heather. You're a strong person (HUGS)

    It's been so wet here, today. There are huge puddles in all the corners of the garden, and collecting in the street. More is predicted for the next few days.

    I've been to see another film, with Sue. This week it was "Emma" which is a comical take on the famous Jane Austen book. It's the one where the heroine tries to do a matchmaking job on her friends but it sometimes goes wrong. The producers have made it slightly different but it works well. Some great performances from the main actors, who include Miranda Hart who is hilarious, and Bill Nighy, who underplays his part with a subtle twinkle.

    A good bit of fun, beautifully filmed.
  • Had to bomb up to Nottingham again today. Luckily Dau is off for halfterm so was again able to drive up. Had word yesterday that OH's brother could go at any time. He has now been put on palliative care and is in a sideroom all to himself. It means family can visit anyttime. Felt we had to go up and see him one more time and to support his wife who is bearing up remarkably well although there were tears today. It is just a matter of time now, the infection has taken total control and AB's have not worked.

    Thanks for all your news, have flipped through and seen what you are all up to. Too many to reply to.

    What a weather changing pattern we have, blowing cooler one minute then warmer, more rain and wind to come. Certainly one of the wettest winters I think. Stay warm and dry folks.
  • Lynette:  Oh dear, sorry to hear about BiL; it sounds like he may have decided to 'let go' ......  Take care

    Lindybird:  Love Bill Nighy and that movie sounds like a nice escape.   Hope the family hiccup will blow over without too many bad feelings....

    AQ;  I've become quite good at developing sufficient Reluctance in my old age.  Perhaps your OH will forget what he's looking for by the time you've finished clearing out.  :-)

    Harelady:  Have fun with the family; hope you didn't have to fork out too much (if anything) for the additional tree support.

    Take care all.

  • Good Morning. Dull and damp here: My OH is off to the golf club but only to put his name on a list for an event, as there won't be any play this week, the ground is too soaked.

    Lynette, I'm so sorry about your brother in law. At least you can be supportive to his wife.

    Harelady, I forgot to say that I hoped your olive tree would be OK now. Doesn't sound as if the man did enough in the first instance. Enjoy your family.

    Annette - The family problem was some months ago, and the dust has settled, but things will never be the same :-(  The costumes in the film were just gorgeous - so many changes of clothes, and all so pretty on the ladies!  A view of a couple of stunning stately homes, too - must go and Google them to see which ones they were.

    AQ - I wonder what else you will unearth. It's like an archeological dig! Hope the temps are more bearable now.

  • LINDA – Temps are much more pleasant but there is still another month of possible heatwaves. With the festival season in full swing (Fringe, Arts, food, street car race) everyone else seems to be hoping for warmer/hotter weather.

    ANNETTE – Dau#1 is coming this weekend to compare holiday pics. I hope OH’s momentum does not fade after her visit. There is still more of his stuff to triage.

    I had a holiday today! My camera was pleading for an outing. I photo-ed a city building that caught fire last weekend. An 1880s heritage ornate design (see below), fire caused by electrical fault in juice bar on ground floor (not visible in my pic). Little sign of fire - some smoke marks around 2 vents. More obvious was the residue of resident pigeons! I hobbled down to Pilgrim church (open at noon) to capture plaques in side porch. City was crowded with buskers, dawdling visitors and, away from the main Mall where they are banned, horrible smokers.

  • It's really odd, weather wise here: one minute rain, then two minutes later bright sunshine, then less than 3 minutes later, showers and blustery winds! Everything except snow, but wouldn't be surprised if it did!

    AQ - A lovely old building. Hope it continues to be more bearable temps. Can only think of saying that you need your OHs help as you're looking for something in particular. My OH points out to me, The Hoarder, that one day someone will have to wade through it all! I took up your suggestion of how to cope with the large pics of family -- we're displaying one at a time on a side table, then cycling them all over a few weeks to ring the changes. Seems to work, but now there's a box of all the others, left over, on our bedroom floor......

    Two tiny, purple crocus
    Are brightly signalling to me,
    That they, and all the snowdrops know
    The Spring, although wet, is very soon to be.

    The pretty pink of opening buds
    Shows the Camellia wants to grow:
    The nodding heads of Christmas Rose
    Are already here on show.

    So goes the year, on its constant turn:
    Around again we go.
    A travelling world of season
    Which never ever stops, I know.

    Somehow it is a comfort
    To notice Natures rounds,
    When we are busily concerned
    With troubles we have found.

    To see the change that comes with warmth
    And sun upon the ground
    Warms me up, too!
    It could for you!
    For Everyone, I've found! :-)
  • Evening All - a horrible wet and cold day in Suffolk but brightened by a call from my Son to announce the birth of my 4th Grandchild, a Sister for James (3 in May)

    Mum is a real earth mother and wanted this baby at home and got her way with 2 great midwives and a birthing pool. She started getting twinges last night and called the midwives this morning whilst my Son took James to nursery. He knew something was going on and didn't want to go. The 1st Midwife arrived at 9.30am and baby appeared at 10.53. Mum was a complete star and they are both healthy. They would not tell us the due date before but she was due on the 9th! She weighed 8lb 3oz and does not have a name yet. Relief all round and a whisky for me tonight and a prayer of thanks.