Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 December 2019


Photo: Aurora Borealis
U.S. Geological Survey: Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • We had noticeably longer hours of sunshine today - promise for the new year!
  • Hallo all:

    AQ: So glad that the wind changed for those poor people in Mallacoota. Just spent time looking a videos and photos from there - what a horrifying situation - plus a video taken from inside a fire engine that got caught in the fire (all well there). The firefighters must be so exhausted. The BBC (I think) site had a map of Oz showing where fires had recently broken out across the country. Obviously worst in NSW, probably because of the population, but I had no idea the entire country is affected Also spent some time looking at koala rescue videos/photos. They seem so un-flustered when they're handled, unless of course they're traumatized, which would explain it. I've often thought that if we had a really bad wind-driver fire come down from the hills behind us, we might end up on the beach if the highway was closed! We drove through a fire in Malibu once just before they closed Pacific Coast Highway and - I've mentioned this before - it was sunny, but the thick black smoke that was still high overhead at that point turned the nearshore ocean black and red. Seriously surreal, otherworldly and disconcerting.
  • Just a few more hours of 2019 left in UK. We have already seen celebrations from Auckland (I climbed that tower!), Sydney, Japan and Hong Kong. I will not be staying up to watch the UK fireworks, and I hope those near my home will not be too loud - I would like to sleep through the whole thing and wake up next year!

    May I wish all posters, lurkers and occasional visitors to this thread a very happy and healthy 2020, Thank you for your company this year. I look forward to it continuing next year - tomorrow! Hope everyone who has been struggling in any way this year finds 2020 less stressful.

    OG – I smiled at your “last medical appointment of the year”. I should hope so! And not too many in the coming year.

    LINDA – Disappointing that Little Women chopped & changed. I find modern books are like that and I just cannot read them. One flashback perhaps but my brain thinks chronologically.

    ANNETTE – There are fires all over, except perhaps the Top End where it is the rainy season. On Monday which wasn’t really bad in our state after all, we had over 100 fires around SA. One in South-East started by lightning, a few others by suspected arsonists. Today Cudlee Creek fire is reported “contained”. Kangaroo Island still burning – there a woman sheltered in sea with a towel over her head until fire truck rescued her. Being in the sea is not safe with embers falling.

    PAT – I missed the New Year. I was reading, dozed off, woke to hear a few crackers. It was 11.58 pm. I thought not long now . . . and woke again at 12.25 am. I went to bed and slept well in the cool. Overnight min 12 C.

  • Happy New Year, AQ! I'm wondering if I'm going to last long enough to see it in, here. We had a glass of wine with a pork dinner, followed by a yummy slice of chocolate and caramel cheesecake (bought). Now the wine has gone to my head and I will have to work hard not to drop off.

    Pat, thank you for your good wishes for the coming year.
  • Happy New Year and Happy New Decade to you all!

    I'm sending strength and hope to everyone across the world who is struggling and really needs one good year. 


  • Happy and healthy New Year Everyone.

    My son and granddaughter have gone to visit my sister for two days, so peaceful here.
    A bit weary so don't think we will stay up to welcome the new year. (plus I have a good book which I would like to finish)

    Interesting to read about your opinion of Little Women, Lindy. I had intended to see it, but may not now. It had good reviews, but maybe from people who had not read the books.
    I do not think that the 'Cats' film appeals either.
  • I'm sorry if I've put you off, Rosy: it's only my opinion but you may enjoy the film yourself. I was surprised to hear that it was considered 'artistic' by some, though.

    Quiet here, but there will be fireworks at some point I expect.
  • A New Year

    A year is ending, that is true
    But a new year's on its way to you.
    It's fresh and bright
    And maybe, might --- it
    Could be a better one than
    That we've left
    Which in some cases made
    Us feel bereft.

    I have in my heart a
    Parcel of wishes:
    My main hope is for you to know
    That I want for you everything
    Good and fine -
    It can't be wonderful all the time
    But good health to All,
    And loved ones near,
    Plus lots of laughter through the year.

    Its been an honour to hear your tales
    Of little ones, of watching whales,
    Of travel, round the world and then
    How you thankfully made it home again.
    We've talked of global warming too,
    Of politics and You Know Who -
    The one who wanted to build a wall
    The one who seems to still hate us All....

    We've surmised over neighbours building, too,
    And wondered how we might get through
    Our ailments, both large and small -
    On these pages, we have shared them all.
    We've felt the storms rage in Indiana;
    We've felt the heat of Australasia.

    Through all that, we've remained good friends
    And I hope we stay that till next year ends.

    Thank you, All.
  • Aw gee LINDA, that is so brilliant. Suns up us & the world so well. Thank you.

    I took your strength DIANE and went out for a half hour of weeding. Ground was soft as OH had just turned off the sprinkler.