Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 8 December 2019


The moon turns full on 12 December (11 December for you, Annette and bjane), and it's called the "Cold Moon." 

Everyone have a wonderful week and don't stress over the upcoming holiday. 

  • I'm surprised (from 6K miles away) that Labor lost so many seats.  Meanwhile, interesting results in Scotland...

    Diane: How nice to see RTH's mate - has she been MIA?

    AQ:  Very sobering to realize that all the people on that trip assumed they'd going back to their normal lives.  I do admire the rescuers and first responders who rush into these kinds of situations.

    Have a good Friday everyone.

  • All: Happy Friday the 13th! 

    Annette: I haven't been outdoors much for a while, so I hadn't seen R.T. Hawk's mate. I'm so glad she's still around and looks healthy. She looked glorious flying against a bright blue winter sky.

  • Good Morning. Stayed up till nearly midnight, then slept till 4.00am but then had a peek at the results. Was surprised that there appears to have been quite a large turnout. At least now we might get some stability in finance and business, with a government with a decent majority.

    Diane, well done on spying your RT Hawk friend. Hope they survive the cold winter.

    I'm off to get sluiced down - we drive nearly 200 miles today so hoping for drier weather.

  • LINDY: Have a wonderful visit with your family and a safe journey!
  • Thank you, DIANE :-) Bonnie has gone off to Other Sis in Laws for her holidays, and I'm just checking all the stuff we have to put in the car.

    I'll be on my mobile whilst away, so may be able to pop in. Have a nice weekend, everyone! (waves....)
  • Enjoy, LINDY!!
    I was listening to the election programme on Radio 4 for most of the night ( I never put TV, lights or devices on, no matter how sleepless I am). Some of the thank you speeches made me think that I was at the Oscar ceremony....
    Anyway, the first bit is over. Now for endless analyses.
    OG sorry that you felt unwell yesterday but good that EE enjoyed his lunch.
  • Heather:  Seems like the exit polls were right.  Wonder how long Corbyn can hang on.....  Can't imagine how Jo Swinson feels, losing by so few - but then Nicola seems very happy. Wonder what'll happen with the Northern Ireland border...   Haven't heard from UK family yet - my niece was going to go to bed early last night with earplugs and a pillow over her head.  Meanwhile, the world continues to turn....

  • Got here OK & Amber is full of energy as usual!!
  • Afternoon/evening all - Ive just got in from a tiring week at work - still suffering from a cough that's been around for 3 weeks now - as long as its gone for Christmas!

    Heather - I don't know how you cater for so many - I would be a nervous wreck. Ive just got My Son, Partner and Grandson for Christmas and then I'm off to Daughters in Silverstone in between and then back home for New Year with My best friend, her partner and Daughter and her 80 year old Mother coming on NY eve. We are going to the theatre in Aldeburgh on NY day to see a local Theatre Company production - they do their version of classic tales. In October we saw "A Sidecar named Despair" and on 1st we are seeing "Sherlock Holmes and the Warlock of Whitechapel" If you want to look them up they are The Common Ground Theatre Company. 

    Diane I love to hear about the RT Hawks - years ago when I first watched bird cams there was one from a building in New York - I will look it up again now to see if its still going.

    Tomorrow is the last bit of present shopping - just clothes for the Grandchildren as they get too many toys. For years I have cut down on what I spend and make a donation to the Salvation Army instead as they look after everyone old and young, homeless and hungry. However like everyone at this time of year my heartstrings are pulled by all the envelopes dropping through the door and some do get a bit, but you can't give to everyone.

    Enjoy your time with family Lindy and everyone else keep well and warm.

  • LINDA - pleased you arrived safe and sound. Enjoy your time with Amber.

    HARELADY - I also remember watching Pale Male in a building by Central Park - a very special bird.

    J has gone to his work party - but he won't stay out late as some of them are too fond of the liquid refreshment and get very silly. He has given his Dad a time to fetch him. Also he has the hospital eye appt tomorrow, so doesn't want to be too tired and sqiffy-eyed!