Weekly chat (non osprey) Sunday 1st September 2019

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  • dibnlib: Great to see you. Let us know how you're doing. :-)

    OG: Brain fog an issue here this morning too. Wonder if a walk would help......
  • Hello! - We're back home again after many adventures. I see that Heather managed to start us off, in the end. I got up very very early Sunday, and had one attempt at beginning the thread, but then failed - don't know if it was this tablet or the Site, but had no time for another attempt, so gave up.

    Enjoyed our trip and visit to family. Just got home after very tiring journey back, with much traffic on the roads & a three quarters of an hour hold up in one of the roadworks! Never mind, at least we're here unscathed.
  • Just going to have a cuppa and a read back to see how you're all doing.
  • Lindybird: Welcome back. Enjoy your cuppa.

    Walked definitely helped. :-)
  • Good that things are now moving on at last for J, OG. Wythenshawe is certainly a centre of excellence, and my friend G had some treatment for her heart problems there. Not just around the corner for you, though......

    (Both of my sons were born there, incidentally, as it has a big maternity unit, too)

    How annoying to have a lily allergy. Glad you soon recovered.

    We are very tired and I'm glad I went into Waitrose en route and bought two spagh bol ready meals. My OH has just come home with his beloved dog, and an armful of green beans from the allotment.
  • Hello Lindy, glad you enjoyed your trip to family. It is quiet on here without you, but everyone drops in now and then.

    I don't know about the spagh bol from Waitrose (this usually gets changed to waitress), but we like the seafood pasta from their frozen range.

    Thank you for that link Diane. Very interesting.

    Have just watched the vote. No comment.

    Annette, do you have good places to walk near you? I have been to a committee meeting. I then had a large glass of Sauvignon blanc. I need to clear my head, but it will have to wait until morning now.
  • Annette - I think it was mostly in the California area - It seems that some of them came over with a connection to the railways but not absolutely sure.. Yes, I'm sure we could do a better job although Mrs May unfortunately didn't, she should have stuck to her guns like Maggie Thatcher but that's another story.

    Diane - nice to see you popping in. Heard about the hurricane Dorian, now heading for landfall close to Florida and the SE coastline. Heard that 8 people had lost their lives but not sure.

    OG - will be thinking about you all as you wait for news of when op will be.
  • Nice to see you are back Lindy. Glad you enjoyed trip to family.

    Another lovely day down here, Managed to get the bedding out and all dry. Supposedly we are in for a change in weather, we'll have to see.

    Hi Rosy - don't know what the vote was and no doubt be in all the papers tomorrow. Just thoroughly sick and tired of all the stalling that is going on. Hope you enjoyed your glass of wine!
  • OG – Some news at last. I’m sending you all, especially J, strengthening thoughts as you wait for a date.

    Yesterday turned into a lovely spring day, sunny afternoon, I managed a little weeding among the bulbs which are starting to flower. This morn we have light rain. Exciting day – food shopping and nanny duty. Dau still had her cold at weekend and I expect an overload of leftover chores. Miss7 took part in a readathon last month, funds for MS research, she read a staggering 62 books besides her regular school readers. They used to call me a bookworm; she must have the same genes!

  • Evening all:

    Rosy: We have some good places to walk, but I tend to keep to some familiar loops around various parts of the neighborhood (gotta keep track of other people's gardens, y'know!).   I like Sauvignon Blanc these days; OH likes Chardonnay, but it's a bit heavy....

    Lynette: Not surprised California might have been the place.  I've read all about the building of the trans-continental railroad, which brought workers from all over the world.  I watched he debate and the vote online today; more to come tomorrow, but I'll be out in the morning.  Regardless of who's speechifying, I love the articulate and oh-so-polite way MPs skewer each other, such a refreshing change after our leader's ungrammatical and incoherent rants.  

    AQ; That's an impressive number of books for Miss 7!   Spring there; fall sneaking up here with leaves beginning to drop from our native Western Redbud.  Hope not too many leftover chores.

    I see the hurricane left a terrible trail of destruction in the Bahamas.  It'll be interesting to see how long it takes them to rebuild in comparison to how Puerto Rico (a U.S. territory) fared after Maria.  Also lots of grief in our town over the ghastly fate of the folks on the dive boat.  The authorities have been very good about keeping everyone informed - what a ghastly job the first responders have.  

    Take care all.  

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