Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 11 August 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful, peaceful week and the power stays on! 

  • Lindy: That sculpture is gorgeous. What a thoughtful gift! I've enjoyed the flower show photos!
  • Diane I wasn’t surprised as I had seen changes in one eye... won’t be concerned until it heeds driving x
  • LINDY I also like the sculpture. Very appropriate for the family.

    HEATHER I see you are busy with wall to wall granddaughters! Lovely that they like to come to see you. I have lost count of how many you have,

    WENDY I had a cataract op just over a year ago. It made such a huge difference. I can now see the numbers on the busses and can jump on the right one without having to ask someone! I don't drive, but we are well supplied with public transport here.
    I was a bit anxious before, the op, but no need to be. I will have the second one done some time, but not in any hurry.
    I did not have to wait very long on the NHS, but they will not do them in our area until really necessary.
  • I live remote and not seen a bus I 18 years so will need to know the earliest stage it can be sorted.
  • Wendy, its not so scary these days. My OH had his done, one after the other (they never do them together). He was very apprehensive about the 1st op, but sailed through it and then breezed through the 2nd one.

    Have had friends who were so pleased they'd had them 'done' - some even realised later that colours look better afterwards. Its worth having and its lucky that it can be corrected, these days. Chin up! You'll be fine!

    I have to add that my optician said I have cataracts and I'm noticing one eye is not right, when reading. So I'll be joining you sometime....
  • Annette, the clematis was so delicate, it looked as if it were made of ice, or sugar. I was in love! But not many places to grow things which climb, in our garden, so I had to content myself with just looking at it.
  • Wendy - I had both my cataracts 'done' about three years ago, a week apart, and have never looked back (there's a pun in there somewhere!). The morning after the first one I walked into my bathroom and couldn't believe how white the tiles were! I had worn glasses since my early twenties, but now only wear 'off the shelf' reading glasses if I am reading or using the computer for a long time. Otherwise I am glasses-free. I was very nervous, but knew they had to be done. I have to admit it wasn't the most pleasant 20 minutes of my life (x two), but no pain, and no after-effects apart from not leaning forward or rubbing my eyes for a while - and not being allowed to play golf for a month! I wholeheartedly recommend you have yours dealt with as soon as possible. It really has changed my life, and I'm sure it will yours as well.
  • Good Morning. Drizzly here again.

    Doing laundry anyway, as its supposed to clear up later. Off to the dentist for check up then might have time to put on more fl. show pics.

    Seem to remember that dibnlib was going for her cataracts to be done soon.
  • Sunny, 20 C here. Power returned ½ hour before anticipated. OH went out to lunch which reduced his pacing time <grin>. I sat in sun sewing raglan seams and picking up stitches for neckband of jumper that has been waiting rather too long. Sadly I discovered that one does not need power to clean bathroom, dust, sweep floor. That leaves the vacuuming for next day, sometime, never. . .
  • Hi all - just a quick update from me as I am on a weeks Nanny Duty looking after Luna as her childminder is on holiday and my Daughter and Partner can't have any time off in August. They work for an agricultural company and it is their busiest time.

    I love catching up with all your news imagining all the locations you are in and I am taking this opportunity to post while Luna is napping.

    Wendy - re Cataracts -  mine were quick to bloom after being spotted in Nov check up and by March I could no longer drive. The consultant said it was rare in someone in their early 60s to develope them so quickly so he did the first one straight away and the 2nd a month later. The NHS lenses they put in are set to distance so I still wear glasses for reading but the difference has been amazing and the colours so much brighter. I did have to buy a pair of night vision glasses as I found the glare from on-coming headlights a problem but apart from that its fantastic. Of course if you have the private lenses they are much better quality and would not need night glasses according to my optician.

    We all enjoyed a family holiday in last month in Dorset - on a farm so very rural but only 20 mins to the coast. It was lovely watching my 3 Grandchildren playing together as they don't see each other that often. Next year there will be 4 of them God willing as my Son & Partner are expecting their 2nd in February.

    Hope everyone stays healthy and happy and keep all the news coming please.