Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 July 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful (and cooler) week!

Collared Lizard, Arches National Park, UTAH USA
U.S. National Park Service/Casey Hodnett
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Harelady: So good to see you. Welcome back!  I was just thinking about you and bjane this morning, so  maybe we'll hear from her too.  I've heard first anniversaries are hard, but can't imagine any of them passing without some sad thoughts.  How are the grandkids and are you able to see them often?  Kiddies can bring a smile on the grayest days.

    Lindybird: I thought for a minute you were going to say you were looking for suitable shoes. I assume the caravan park will be busy this time of year?

    I think I should be heading home a week from now. I'll have six weeks there before I leave for Santa Fe to meet my niece who (as I've probably mentioned too many times!) is flying to Chicago and then taking the train to Santa Fe, New Mexico, where I'm meeting her before driving her back to Santa Barbara through Arizona.  We're supposed to be getting the carpet in the SB house replaced before then, and we need two new living room chairs, but at this point I'm thinking we'll have someone come in and clean the carpet (at least in the living room) and toss some throw covers over the chairs and call it good, then tackle the redo sometime before Christmas.

    The first thing I'm going to do when I get back (or even before!) is to make an appointment to get my hair cut. Then I'm going to take my car to the car wash and have them clean it this time (I've managed to accumulate pounds of blowing desert dust inside and out) and then take it to be serviced before the Santa Fe trip.  OH is planning to go see his cousins in Oregon (green trees, rivers, oh my!) and I'll probably go too, but will likely drive so I can visit friends en route, and then pick him up at whichever airport he flies in to.  No plans at all for 2019 (other than being in my garden) and sincerely hope it stays that way.

    Anyway, the world awaits.....

  • Hello all - especially HARELADY - so good to 'see' you.

    I've been busy with the granddaughters today, shopping first in one direction and then another, and lunch with them, in our favourite little restaurant. Now can't find a place to be cool!

    Son in law is getting better and was allowed to eat today. His blood count is getting better.

    Feeling pretty tired - hope to be back on form tomorrow! Must find out how daughter's washing machine works...

  • Heather: Good news re SiL. I bet everyone feels much more relaxed.

  • HEATHER - good news!  So glad!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good to have good news today, Heather - and he's in the best place, as they say. Expect you're finding it tiring, hope you can get to your bed early.

    Harelady -   Good to hear from you. Glad you are enjoying the younger generation, they are such a joy.

    We had a good journey, then sat out in the sun for a bit with a cuppa on arriving.  Now I'm putting things away (including shoes, Annette!!) And getting ready to put things in the oven. My OH announced on the journey that he'd packed a whole bucketful of our peas, which he'd just picked. I said "Looking forward to eating them with our new potatoes again."   There was a short silence. Then he confessed that he'd forgotten those!!  We had to call into the supermarket to buy some!

  • LINDA - do enjoy shelling all those peas!  Sorry about the potatoes!

    HEATHER - are you on your own with the girls overnight?  I hope they settle well so you can get some rest!  Probably much easier than with Bella last week!

    Just in from sitting in front garden watching dry edges of lawns having a treat from the hosepipe!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good morning!

    Yes, OG, I'm doing 24 hour duty! Two girls and two cats. And not difficult,the girls are very helpful. A bit tiring because I'm doing more, physically, than usual! I will be taking them to Inverness on the train, tomorrow,for Amy's birthday barbeque. Then back here in the evening, until either Sunday or Monday if SiL continues to improve. The consultant is keeping him in the high dependency ward at the moment. Says 'we're not out of the woods yet'.

    I hope that my pots have been watered, will ask Callum to take me down to my own house tomorrow at some point to collect some clothes. I packed in a hurry and and arrived here with a strange selection of stuff!

    Heard last night that one of the divers in Thailand has lost his life while going in to the caves.

  • Good Morning. Hope your s.in.law will continue to improve, Heather.

    Nice for you to spend time with your granddaughters, even if it's unexpected. Hope you packed enough shoes! ;-)

  • No, LINDY! I arrived with flip flops and very light sandals. Prefer something more substantial for walking!

  • Annette - How are the grandkids and are you able to see them often?

    Thanks to everyone for your kind comments.  Seraphina is now 6 and her sister Luna is 15 months and James (my Sons's first) is 14 months and its wonderful when we can all get together but are all approx 3 hours from each other so it doesn't happen regularly.