Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 3 June 2018

Happy New Week!

I hope everyone has a wonderful and easy week! 

Grizzly Bear at Frying Pan Spring in Yellowstone National Park
U.S. National Park Service/Jim Peaco
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Evening all:

    Diane: Again surprised that another week has passed. Thank you (water still running!)  :-)

    Take care all

  • Good Morning.  Dry and bright here again.

    Thank You to Diane for starting us off again, and for the beautiful bear.

    Glad you still have water, Annette!

  • Hope that Heather has had a good rest, I know that feeling when you've pushed yourself for the family but have got overtired with the effort!

    Relax today, Heather :-)

  • Annette: Glad the water's on now. :-)

    Good morning, Lindy.

  • Good morning.  Thanks, DIANE, for the new start and Grizzly Bear.  Pleased about ANNETTE's family's water still running. LINDA - it rained in the night - especially heavy around 3am.  Dry now but not much sunshine yet - although sneezing has started so I guess it's coming through the mistiness!

    Spoke to Dau#1 last evening - York have revised their conditional offer to younger Granddaughter as they have found a place for her to study midwifery (they were trying to persuade her to change to nursing), so her preferences are York first (her original desire) and Napier second (with a lower offer just in case)  Elder Granddaughter and friend are on the point of moving into their rented house in Durham.  All well with all of them, but they also haven't heard from Dau#2, and when I call her she is still not answering.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • HEATHER - give yourself a quiet and easy day - no rush to clear up after visitors!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • DIANE   Thanks for staring the week with a wonderful pic of a bear.

    OG  Nice you have some good family news and hope dau 2 picks up that phone.

  • Good morning.

    Thank you Diane for the lovely picture to start the week.

    Have you seen the dear deer again?

    Also thanks to AQ and Lindy for the travel and flower photos. Enjoyed  seeing them all. Not forgetting Annette's lovely rose.

    Hope all going well on the plumbing front, Annette. Work seems to be proceeding

    apace. Things don't happen so fast here. Not in my experience, anyway!

    Well done to Diane for the  long distance plumbing diagnosis and advice.

    Heather, as others have said, please try not to do too much today. You have earned a rest.

    No rain here for several days after the storms last weekend.

    I am battling with box caterpillars at the moment. No natural predators. Another imported pest. Still confined to the London area at the moment, but no doubt soon coming to a plant near you. (in this country, anyway)

  • Nothing happened when I tried to reply. Trying again.

  • Back from church; J decided not to come with us; I fell asleep twice in the service!  Weather is still uncomfortably heavy.

    I think I have forgotten stuff like who is going on holiday when and where - so have a good time, those who are!

    Feeders on the Willow Tree are crowded with Finches and Sparrows today - with pigeons and Doves on the ground to catch any droppages!  Time for our lunch now.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!